Chapter 1: Childe Wants Attention

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Childe was almost done fighting with the new recruits. "It seems you are getting stronger ever since you've fought the traveler isn't it?" Scaramouche asked.

"Isn't it normal for me to get stronger?"
Childe asked back to Scaramouche. "I'm asking you a question yet you dare to ask me one" Scaramouche growled.

Childe shrugged to what Scara said which made Scaramouche even angrier. Just when Scaramouche was about to use his elemental skill on Childe, Signora joined them and said "I wouldn't lose my temper over something useless, Scaramouche"

"Shut up, you two over there, fight me"
Scaramouche pointed to the recruits. 

"Well, I need to go now, see you two later" Childe said not even caring if the recruits get hurt on their first day as a harbinger.


Zhongli on the other hand was so busy doing paperwork. "Mr. Zhongli, someone wants to meet you" His assistant said after knocking on the door.

... Who is it? Zhongli asked while fixing some papers on his table.

"It's me" Zhongli hesitated for a second "Childe?".  "I thought you forgot about me already" Childe poutily said.

"I'm sorry, you may come in tho" Zhongli answered and allowed Childe inside his office.

"Come and sit down, just wait for me to finish this" Zhongli said not even bothering to look at him.

Childe was sad to hear that from his lover. And since he wasn't a patient man, he tried to think of some ways to make Zhongli put all his attention on him. Suddenly Childe thought of an idea.

He stood up and walked closer to Zhongli. "What are you doi-

Zhongli was cut by the sudden action of his lover. Childe's hand was holding the chin of Zhongli,  eyes looking like he was about to cry.

"Zhongli I want some attention too~" Childe seductively said.

Zhongli sighed and dropped the papers that were in his hands on the table. He then took Childe's hand and kissed it. 

"Let me punish you for distracting me on my work" Zhongli said with his pink plumpy lips and eyes filled with lust and desire.

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