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Luz was at home packing her belongings while she tried to hold back her tears.
Luz's POV "That's it. I'm done with this place and with these goddamn people. I'm not doing this sh*t anymore." I said I was getting the last of my things and getting the hell out of there, and that's when he stood in my way. "Where do you think you're going, kid?" he said with a scummy smile on his face, just trying to piss me off. "Get the f*ck out of my way, Saki." "Oh my, is that any way to speak to the man who took you in?" he said. "That was 7 months ago, and you did it for the money, so I'll say it one more time. "Get the F*ck Out of My Way!" He narrowed his eyes. "Or what hu, what are you going to do, you lill bi?" Before he could finish, I punched him right in the face, straight to the ground, cracking the floor as I heard his skull crack. I looked at my fist, and it was covered in blood. "Sh*te, sh*te, sh*te, is he dead? Did I punch him too hard? I got in close and heard his breathing and a heartbeat. "Oh, thank god, I didn't want to kill you, *sshole," I said as I was about to walk out the door when someone saw me with some blood on my hand and Saki on the floor bloodied. When you think about it, I should have washed my hands and moved Saki. Oh well.)
Aaaah! That freak just killed Saki!" She yelled, grabbing everyone's attention, including that of the shinobi who were there. "Sh*t, this isn't good." I said before running off, 'I don't have time to explain, and even if I had, with my reputation, jail time or death were on the table.' They were on my tail and gaining. "Ok, I guess I'll have to use it." // Oh, yay, I should have said this before, but I'm not a normal ninja; I've got a freaky power. I have a rubber-like body, meaning I can stretch it to make it longer or increase its size, and no, I didn't eat some weird fruit. Now let's get back to // I stretched my arms out far enough to grab the rooftops of two opposite-facing buildings across the road and start walking backwards, stretching my arms like a slingshot. "Hey, stop you, freak!" The two ninjas ordered before trying to grab me, but I jumped and was lunched across the air like a rocket, all the way to the other side of town. I landed head-first into a tree, causing it to fall over. "Man, I've got to work on those landings." Rubbing my forehead and seeing that I landed in the woods, I quickly made myself scars.
"Ok, this is good. I can make a quick escape through the woods right after I check my stuff." "Clothes check, weapons check, Azure comics check, food definitely check, ok, I think I got everything." I stopped as I put my hand on my neck, trying to find my necklace, but it was gone. Then I felt IT happen. "Where is it? Where is it? Everything else is useless without it. I'm useless without it." I frantically looked around for it, hoping I dropped it somewhere, then I saw what looked like a lizard with wings flying away holding a bag full of stuff. "What the F*ck?" Then I sew my necklace into its mouth and say, "Hey!!! Give me back my necklace, you cool-looking lizard." It heard me and stared, flying faster. "Oh no, you don't get back here!" I said I was stretching and jumping from tree to tree at top speed, but it just seemed to get faster than I could keep up until it flew into a waterfall. I didn't hesitate and followed it, passing the full water and into a cave behind it. What I saw inside the cave just made things weird—I saw that thing go through some kind of portal. "Ok, that did not just happen," I said, not 100% sure if I should go through it, but before I can think it through, it starts closing. "Screw it, here I came."
I went through it, and for a few seconds, it was dark and cold. I could hear something, but before I could do anything about it, I could feel the force of the wind on my face. I opened my eyes to see that I was falling through the air. "Uh, oh, this isn't good." The ground was coming in fast. "This is going to hurt." I prepared myself. (BOOM!!!) I crushed down to the ground, kicking up a dust cloud and causing a hole in the ground. "That f*cking hurts." I spat out some blood and felt that my ribs were cracked and that I was bleeding from my arm and forehead. I turned to look at the sky, where the portal was so high above the clouds, and I laughed. "Thank you, powers! If it were anyone else, there would be a red mess all over this place." Then, weird enough, that lizard came back, giving me a guilty look like it was sorry. "What's your sorry now? "If you are, then give it a ba..." I was cut off by that thing spitting in my mouth. "What the f*ck! Why'd you spit in my mouth?" I realized my body didn't hurt any more and that the bleeding had stopped. "Did you do this?" It simply smiled at me after it began to fly away. I looked up into the sky and saw that the portal was gone. "Well, no going back now." I said I was somewhat relieved by that, but before I could enjoy the moment, I felt it again throughout my body. "My necklace. Get back here with my necklace!" I ran straight for him until I reached a cliff and saw something truly amazing. It's a city unlike any I've seen. Buildings taller than one's home are made of glass and bone. Others are a combination of stone and flesh, with an eye here and there and some tangs too. "I don't know if I should take a photo or barf." I said with a look of wow and disgust, and then it reminded me of what I was after, so I ran towards the city. I ran in the streets following it, not using my powers, and kept my head low, but some of these people looked weirder than me, and that's saying something. I followed it to a market area and saw it go into a tent. "It's all over." I cracked my knuckles, and I entered from the back so I could sneak up on it. I saw the lizard thing give the bag it was holding to some women wearing red camo pants, black combat boots, a white top, a black sleeveless jacket, white hair, and a sword on their side. "Dang, she looks cool." I saw the lizard sitting on her arm then turn into a tattoo on her arm. "Ok, at some point crazy shit has got to stop happening, right?" I looked at Luz, who had been at home packing her belongings while she tried to hold back her tears. She said to herself, "That's it; I'm done with this place and with these goddamn people. I'm not doing this sh*t anymore." Then she felt a presence behind her and turned around to see Saki standing in her way with a scummy smile on his face. "Where do you think you're going, kid?" he asked. Luz pushed him aside and said, "Get the f*ck out of my way, Saki. That was 7 months ago, and you did it for the money, so I'll say it one more time: GET THE F*CK OUT OF MY WAY!" He narrowed his eyes and said, "Or what, hu?" What are you planning, you little bi?" But before he could finish, Luz punched him right in the face, straight to the floor, cracking the floor as she heard his skull crack. She looked at her fist, and it was covered in blood. "Sh*t, did I punch him too hard?" she thought to herself. Luz got in close and heard Saki's breathing and a heartbeat. "Oh, thank God, I didn't want to kill you *sshole," she said as she was about to walk out the door when someone saw her with blood on her hand and Saki on the floor bloodied. "Aaaah! That freak just killed Saki!" the person yelled, grabbing everyone's attention, including that of the shinobi who were there. "Sh*t, this isn't good," Luz said before running off. They were on her tail and gaining. "Ok, I guess I'll have to use it," Luz thought to herself. She stretched her arms out far enough to grab the rooftops of two opposite-facing buildings and started walking backwards, stretching her arms like a slingshot. "Hey, stop you freak!" the two ninjas ordered before trying to grab her, but Luz jumped and was launched across the air like a rocket, all the way to the other side of town. She landed head-first into a tree, causing it to fall over. "Man, I've got to work on those landings," Luz groaned, rubbing her forehead. Seeing that she had landed in the woods, she quickly made herself scarce. "Ok, this is good; I can make a quick escape through the woods right after I check my stuff," she thought. Luz went through the items she had with her and set off for the woods. That's when something weird happened. She saw a lizard with wings fly away, holding a bag with her necklace in its mouth. "Hey! Give me back my necklace, you cool-looking lizard!" Luz shouted after it. The lizard heard her and flew faster. Luz stretched and jumped from tree to tree at top speed, but it just seemed to get faster until it flew into a waterfall. Luz didn't hesitate and followed it, passing the waterfall and into a cave behind it. What she saw inside the cave just made things even weirder. She saw the lizard go through some kind of portal. "Ok, that did not just happen," Luz thought. It started closing, so Luz jumped in. For a few seconds, it was dark and cold. Luz could feel the force of the wind on her face as she fell through the air. "Uh oh, this isn't good," she thought. Luz prepared herself as the ground came in fast. There was a loud crashing sound, and dust flew into the air. "That f*cking hurt." Luz spat out some blood and then realized her ribs were cracked and she was bleeding from her arm and forehead. That's when the weird lizard thing came back, giving her a guilty look like it was sorry. "What, you're sorry now? If you are, give it back," Luz started to say. But before she could finish, the lizard spat on her. Luz looked at it in disbelief and said, "What the f*ck! Why'd you spit in my mouth?" That's when Luz noticed her body didn't hurt any more and that the bleeding had stopped. "Did you do this?" she asked the lizard, which simply smiled at her before flying away. Luz looked up into the sky and saw that the portal was gone. "Well, no going back now," she said, somewhat relieved by that, but before she could enjoy the moment, Luz felt it happen through her body, and she remembered what she was after. "My necklace! Get back here with my necklace!" Luz ran straight for the lizard until she reached the edge of a cliff, where she saw something truly amazing. It was a city unlike any she had seen before. Buildings taller than ones back home made of glass and bone. "I don't know if I should take a photo or barf," Luz thought, looking at it with a mix of wonder and disgust. Then she remembered what she was after and ran towards the city. Luz ran through the streets without using her powers and kept her head low. Some of these people were even weirder than her. She followed the lizard to a market area and saw it go into a tent. "It's all over," Luz thought. She cracked her knuckles and entered from the back so she could sneak up on it. Luz saw the lizard give the bag it was holding to a woman with white hair wearing a black jacket, a white top, red camo pants, and black combat boots with a sword on her side. "Dang, she looks cool," Luz thought. She saw the lizard turn into a tattoo on the woman's arm. "Ok, at some point, crazy sh*t has got to stop happening," she said out loud. The woman was throwing away things she deemed junk until she saw Luz's necklace. "Okay, this can get a good price," she said. Luz made her move and jumped over the woman to grab it, but she just sidestepped out of the way, causing Luz to land outside the tent on her back. "I was wondering when you were going to make your move, kid," the woman said with a smile on her face. "Hey, that's my necklace. Give it back!" Luz yelled. "Really? "I don't see your name on it, but if it is yours, come and get it," the woman said. Luz ran at her, trying to grab it, but the woman always seemed three steps ahead of her. This continued for awhile, until Luz felt it happen one more time. "Please give it back," she whispered, failing to hold back her tears as she looked into the woman's eyes. "Okay, okay, kid. It was just a joke here," the woman said, putting it in Luz's hand. "I didn't know it was so important to you. My name is Eda the Dragon Witch, but you can call me Eda. What's your name, kid?" She asked, looking at Luz with gold-colored eyes. Luz felt safe with her. "Luz," she said, taking a deep breath before adding, "My name is Luz."

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