2 Weird world

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"Ok, then nice to meet you, Luz," said Eda.

"Ok, why did you steal my stuff?" "Luz said, drying her tears. "First of all, I didn't steal anything he did," she says, pointing at her tattoo, which looked at her angrily. "And second, I need it for my shop. Eda's Human Collection!" she said, waving her hand through the air. "Come on, let me show you. I have a black, soulless box that copies everything you do-this lifeless, dull thing that's frozen in place, or this nice piece of modern-day art you can put in your home. Eda said she was almost getting everything wrong.

"Ok, that's an old TV; that's a dancing robot; and that's a speaker." Luz said before grabbing a bunch of batteries labeled human snacks and putting batteries in each one. The TV turned on a movie about fighting, the robot lit up, and Luz connected her phone to the speaker and played some music, making the robot breakdance.

This started to attract attention from the people, and soon a whole crowd swarmed Eda's stand, screaming, "250 snails for the box, 400 for the dancing thing, and can I eat the loud thing?" "Holy shite kid, I think this is the beginning of a very beautiful and rich friendship." And before long, Eda sold a large number of items with Luz's advice, and customers kept coming, but all good things must come to an end.

Out of nowhere, a hand smashed one of the items. The hand belonged to a big man in a brow uniform with a cape and cowboy hat to match, kind of like an old western sheriff. "Eda the Dragon Witch, you are under arrest by orders of Sir John White and are to be brought to prison x9."

"What the hell! You guys, again, I told you I didn't break any of your dumb rules."

"What's your crime?" Luz said. "And you're coming with her." "What the fuck! What did I do?" "You're coming to help her sell these items," he said, grabbing her arm. "Hey!! Let me go!" Luz screams as she punches the man in the gut, sending him flying into a building.

"Wow, kid, nice punch," Eda said in amazement, but it was shot down when three more guards showed up. "Alright, you want some too. Take this!" she says as she stretches out her leg like a wip, hitting all three guards and slamming them into a wall, then stretching her leg back with a snap sound.

"What the hell are you doing, kid? Your leg just got insanely long." "Oh, I have weird powers." Luz explained before seeing more guards coming, "Ok kid, let's get her out of here before this gets out of hand." Eda said Before creating a dragon made of fire, "hop on."

"That's amazing." "Coming on, kid, you won't burn." Eda said, making Luz's sneakers, 'I know I won't," she thought, then hoped, and they flew into the sky.

They flew at insane speeds before Eda believed that they had lost them and landed in the middle of the forest. "Alright, kid, we'll walk from here." "Wait, where are we going?" "A place where we can lay low for awhile. Ah, here we are." Eda said this before looking at an old house by the cliffside that had seen better days. "Wow, what a dump! This can't be where you live, right?" Luz was kind of disappointed. "Ah, but that's what I want people to think." Eda said she made a glowing circle out of thin air. This caused the area to glow brightly before transforming into a large open space with a new and improved house. "It still looks like a dump to you." Eda said with a smug smile on her face. "Nope. How did you buy this place? "It looks so expensive," Luz says, having never seen a place like this before. "I won it off an old man in a game of hex em, hold em." Eda explained walking to the front door, where they saw a door mantle that looked like a dragon with black skin. "Wow, that's creepy." Luz said, and just like that, it opened its red eyes. "Ah, oh, I think Hooty heard you. "You're in for it now." Eda said as the head of the beast came closer to them, puffing out black smoke into Luz's face. "Hi Eda, do you want to play? Oh, you brought a friend; do they want to play?" the door demon said with a high-pitched voice that would make anyone's ears bleed if they listened for too long.

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