3 show me what you got

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Luz glared at Wrath for calling her trash, "What did you say?" speaking in a serious tone. She then leaned her head back, stretching far before she came headbutting, sending him stumbling backwards.

Wrath lost his grip on Luz, dropping her to the ground. Luz ran straight for Wrath, landing a flying kick right in his gut and sending him flying through a wall. "And stay down!" Luz yells as she grabs Eda's head and places it back here, twisting it back on. *Crack* "Man! That hurts every time," Eda complains, cracking her neck.

"Good job, kids, but it's not over yet," Eda says. Her eyes widen as she sees a circle of brown light coming from the hole in the wall where Wrath went through as a boulder came flying straight for Luz. She throws a punch, smashing it to pieces, but the pieces of the rock stop in the air and come together on her wrists, forming giant cuffs. "What the fu..." Luz was cut off as the cuffs pulled her to Wrath in another room like a piece of metal to a high-powered magnet.

Luz flew through the air, being dragged, as she could see Wrath getting closer with his axe at the ready to cut her down. Seeing Wrath getting closer, Luz plants her feet in the ground, destroying the floor and digging herself deeper into the ground, burying her ankles and stopping her. This only stopped the cuffs for a second before they stretched her arms straight in wrath as he grabbed her arms, ready to cut them off. "Ok, I've got to use it now," Luz thought as she closed her eyes, ready to use her powers, when she heard the sound of steel clashing.

She opened her eyes to see Eda right in front of Wrath, her sword drawn against his axe. "Cutting the arms off of a kid That low wrath even for you," Eda said, forcing Wrath to jump back as she broke the cuffs with one hand, sending Luz's arms back to her. Luz was about to thank Eda before she noticed they were in the cellblock where she had released the people who were now fighting the guards. Eda quickly rushes back to Luz. "Hey kid, did you do this?" Eda asks with a look of excitement on her face. "Yes, but these people didn't do anything." "I know, kid, hell, I would have done it myself if you didn't," Eda says, noticing wrath and some guards coming towards them. "I got an idea: you take on wrath while I take on the guards, then get these people out of here." "I like the way you think, kid, but there are a lot of them. You shore, you got this?" Eda asks with worry.

Luz just looked at her and chuffed, walking in front of her as she threw some hand signs and screamed "Shadow Clone Justu." Smoke covered the area before 25 of Luz's clones appeared ready to fight. "Don't worry, we've got this," the clones say together as they rush the guards.

"My my, what strang magic, and she didn't use a magic circle. How interesting," Wrath says to himself, interested in Luz's abilities. He takes a few steps, trying to figure out which is the real one, but is quickly stopped.

"Hey Wrath! Remember me." Eda says she throws a punch at Wrath that he blocks, but it pushes him back. "How can I forget the lovely dragon girl?" he says, throwing his own fist at her, only for Eda to counter with her own punch, colliding with his and sending a shock wave on impact. "You never seem to disappoint, do you, Eda?" Wrath says to jump backwards. "It's just not my style," she responds with a carefree vibe.

They both rush each other, trading blows, and each hit gets worse and worse for Wrath. "Come now, Eda, you're not going to use that famous sword of yours." "Nah, I can take you down with my bear hands," she says, drawing a red magic circle and throwing her fist through it.

"Fire magic: Blazing fist," lighting her fist on fire as she readies her stance to finish him off. In an act of desperation, Wrath turned his hand toward the tentacles covering Eda's hand in hopes of stopping the attack. "Not gone, Wrath," she says as she causes an explosion, sending Wrath flying into a wall.

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