Ch 6 My Hexside Academia

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Warning:this chapter has ideas that some my find "disgusting" "cringey" "childish" .  The chapter has plot and hints for future events so read at your own risk

Luz's POV

I was surrounded by nothingness as far as the eye could see. But my eyes were shut, I couldn't even move them under my eyelids. There was no sound as if I was deaf but my ears were ringing like a bomb went off next to me. My body… it was tired and sore as every muscle in my body ached and at the same time it was numb. I don't think I could lift a finger even if I wanted to.

This place…this feeling… it's so familiar but at the same time unrecognisable. Like getting  deja vu and amnesia at the same time.

???: 'Luz Luz…Luz'

A voice called out to me , I couldn't do anything to respond but try with all my will to say something - anything …but it proved useless. I was stuck.

???: 'Luz Luz please wake up!'

The voices kept calling but I couldn't do anything but listen.


On command I was pulled out of that place as I found my self sitting upright. My vision was blurred but it slowly cleared and I could see I was surrounded by Willow, Gus and Eda standing in front of me.

As my vision returned to me something latched itself on to my face. "Hmh! HM! Hmmm!" I screamed as I tried to remove what grabbed my face. "Queen let go of her face." Eda said as I pulled her off my face gasping for air. "Why would you do that?!" I asked enraged by her murder attempt.

"You weren't waking up so I thought if you could not breathe you'd have to wake up." She answered with a smile on her face like she's the biggest genius in the world.


The room was silent as we all just looked at her with the same thought

'That is just stupid'.

"Anyway moving on from that. What happened to you kid? Your friends filled me in on the details but the last part is what's interesting." Eda said. I wasn't shore what she's was talking about the last part of the fight is fuzzy in my head. Gus entered the conversation by saying "Oh yeah the way you lit your body on fire and incinerated that abomination was so cool, with that huge fire ball destroying everything in it's path ending in a huge explosion!"

The way he explained it sounded so familiar but I do that when I get serious. "And that blank look on your face made it look like you weren't even trying." Willow finished Gus's explanation. I froze in place when she said that fearing what it could mean. I just had to ask one question. "How long was I out?" "About 5 days but it's understandable considering how much power you used." Willow answered.

That confirms it. The spotty memory, the blank face, the intense fire and the long periods of time out cold.

IT happened again……

"Luz you okay?" Queen's concerned voice snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked around and they all had that same look. *sigh* They deserve the truth.

"What you saw back there was because of my power's. I was in a tuff spot and Gus needed help. So…I…I…I lost myself in the moment and went into a state where my body had one goal. In this case it was saving Gus. But I have no control over myself when I'm like that." I explained grabbing the blanket in my fists and grinding my teeth.

Feeling anger and shame that I let this happen again. Why this again, I thought I was passed this. Memories of my past flash before me as I blamed myself for being so weak to need to use that again.

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