Chapter 2: adjusting

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       The next morning...

    Nika carried him to the medical ward of the base for his medical examination and to help him walk again.

"Where are we?" Lenny asked.

"In the medical room. Dr. Bree is going to exam you to see how body is doing and see she can help your legs out with some physical therapy." Nika explains.

"Is she nice?" Lenny asked.

"Yes I am and don't worry, I don't bite little one." Dr. Bree says as she walked in with a clipboard on her hand.



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     Dr. Bree started examining Lenny's body and noticed his muscles were really stiff mostly to his legs and noticed his body was really skinny.

"What is that last time you ever ate anything?" Dr. Bree asked.

"Never ate anything for 2 weeks before I was frozen in that room." Lenny said.

Nika and Dr. Bree was shocked of what he said.

"Since your bones are showing, you have to take a couple of nutritional shots." Dr. Bree says.

"WHAT?! No! I'm fine." Lenny shouted.

"Hey. Hey don't worry. It won't hurt a bit." She said as she went to the counter and grabbed some nutritional medication and a few syringes. Lenny tried to leave but Nika noticed and grabbed hold of him and tried to calm him down. The doctor injected him 3 separate shot of nutritional doses on his left arm and Lenny jolt a little by the pokes.

"See it's not so bad." Nika said as she put the
Band-Aids on his arm.


After the physicals tests, Nika took him to the cafeteria but he hesitated to follow her inside. She noticed since he was afraid of all the other anthro soldiers inside.

She walked back to him and said, "Don't worry Lenny they won't hurt you. Just hold my hand and you will be okay."

Lenny grabbed her hand and they got in line and a lot of the soldiers gave Lenny surprised stares and whispering about him. He was a little scared when a few soldiers past through and grabs on to Nika. She noticed and wraps her arm around him.

"Don't worry. They won't hurt you." She said.

Nika got a couple of trays and they sat down with her friends.

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