Chapter 41

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A broad smile erupted on her lips before she turned off her phone. She held the device against her chest as she waited for her cheeks to stop turning red. Regina and she had been texting regularly, the past two months, ever since the woman left.

As Regina often worked late hours and had to get up very early, they didn't really have long conversations, but whenever they did, Emma couldn't stop grinning. No one made her laugh like Regina.

Regina: I've got five days off, next week.

Emma: ooh, nice. finally some rest and proper sleep. are you staying on set or going home?

Regina: I was thinking about coming to Boston. I know it's odd, but I'd like to see you again. I don't have lots of friends to visit at home, and my neighbors and I don't get along, anyway.

Emma's heart skipped a beat. Having Regina in Boston again would be amazing. Her entire body had been filled with this strange sense of hope, for the past two months.

She recently remembered how much saying goodbye to Regina in High School had devastated her, and she wondered why Regina and she hadn't tried to at least remain friends over the years, but they'd lost all contact.

Until now, obviously, and Emma was enjoying it more than ever. She really wanted to see the woman again. Her colleagues at work had become even more insufferable, now that they knew she "was friends with someone famous". They were fake friends, Emma knew that, and because work occupied most of her days, she didn't really meet with anyone else, except for sometimes Ruby and, now, Regina.

Regina: Sorry, I didn't want to overwhelm you, or anything. If you don't want me to come, that's totally okay. I just figured I'd book a hotel and we could meet up sometimes during those days.

It was only now that Emma realized she'd been staring at her phone, lost in thought.

Emma: you could also save the money from the hotel to take me out to some fancy restaurant, and sleep over at my place

Regina: Smooth. I'll think about it.

Emma: boston is lots of hours away from california though, you'd be travelling for at least two days

Regina: Three days seems worth it, don't you agree?

Emma: of course.

Emma: it's pretty late her now, though, so i'm going to sleep

Regina: Goodnight. Take care.

Emma: sleep well


A loud gasp escaped from her throat as she watched the scene. She'd slumped into her seat, but was now sitting straight up, ready to rewind the scene. Emma had gotten quite invested in Regina's series, being able to ignore that stinging feeling in her chest of wanting to see the woman again, but she hadn't expected this scene to exist.

She'd grown up, definitely looked older, but Emma would recognize her ex from anywhere. Lily was an extra on the show, but she was lucky enough to be kissed by Regina. She could see their lips melting together and Emma couldn't help but feeling some sort of anger towards Lily for kissing Regina. Her ex had given her many problems and for her to be rewarded with Regina's lips was just awful to see.

The doorbell rung, causing Pongo to jump up from the couch and bark loudly. "Shh, hush, boy," Emma said, as she paused her TV. She groaned as she got up from the couch, only then realizing that she hadn't gotten up in quite some time. She really used her day off work to the fullest. The least she moved, the better.

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