Chapter 4

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A/N: I know! I know its been forever since I updated this. Tbh I lost motivation for this story until earlier this week. Its a long chapter so hopefully that can make up for the wait. I have big plans coming for this and I'm hoping to update regularly.

Narcissa's POV:

Jo and I had just finished our third hour class, United States Government and Economics and I have to say, the class went by smoothly. I've found in the three and a half hours I had been in school, as long as Jo was with me, I felt safe. She must really have an influence. Jo had just walked me to my fourth hour class, AP French 7-8, and as soon as she left, nerves consumed me. I decided in that moment to do what Jo told me to so I walked in the room and went straight to the professor and introduced myself.

"Hi Miss. Watson."

The woman looked up and gave me a soft smile.

"Good morning sweetheart. Are you my new student? Narcissa Black?" she asked kindly.

I nodded and shared a smile back.

"Wonderful! I see you are fluent in French already. Thats a breath of fresh air. I'm hoping you can be my example of what a good French speaker is for the rest of the class. For now, take a seat in the front desk right there. Your partner is Jackie. She will be your buddy for the rest of the year."

The girl she was referring to gave me a small smile and beckoned me over.

I took my seat next to the girl who filled me in on what they had already covered this year so far. Jackie was nice enough and overall, I really enjoyed the class.

Madame Watson assigned us five handouts for homework due tomorrow during class right before the bell rang.

As I packed my things, I remembered that I was supposed to meet Jo in front of the F building for lunch. The huge crowds of students stressed me out and I was not looking forward to entering that mess again but I was ready to find my new best friend and enjoy having some time together.

I quickly made my way outside the building, dodging the very tall sports players and cliques of girls in the hallway, somehow managing to avoid being body slammed into the wall. As I exited the building, I saw Jo's smiling face. She waved to me and made her way over to where I was standing.

"Hey love! How did French go?" She asked, leading me back inside the building as we talked.

"All things considered, it went fairly well. I'm somehow ahead on my first day in the middle of the semester so thats good I think."

"Thats wonderful! I'm so happy it went well. I eat lunch upstairs in Ms. Fletchers room. She usually keeps her room closed during lunch but she lets me in since I'm her favorite and she knows I hate crowds. I already told her you were joining me." She said.

"Ok. I'm glad we'll be somewhere less crazy." I replied smiling lightly at my friend.

"Yeah well, it was either this or the choir room and trust me you don't need to add those crackheads to your already crappy day." she said, knocking on the door. "F. It's me."

A woman unlocked the door and let us in before quickly locking it again. She was very pretty. Ms.F had shoulder length brownish red hair and blue eyes and a bright smile.

"You must be Narcissa. I'm Ms. Fletcher. I'll be your english teacher this year."

I smiled at the sweet woman. I could tell she would be one of my favorite teachers. She has one of those smiles that feels like a hug.

"Nice to meet you ma'am."

"So formal! Carter, you should take notes."

I blushed as Jo let out a cackle.

Narcissa Black and the Deathly HighSchoolWhere stories live. Discover now