Chapter 8

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Jo's POV:

The post Halloween headache hit me like a ton of bricks when I opened my eyes the next morning. Holy fuck that's brutal! I allowed my eyes to adjust to the light seeping in through the closed blinds and curtains and the first thing I saw was Narcissa asleep in my arms, head burrowed into my chest with messy hair a tiny bit of drool on the side of her mouth. I'd have laughed had I not found her sleeping form so adorable. She's just the most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on. How anyone could look at her and not agree is beyond me. But honestly, I'm quite content with no one else looking at her like that. She's mine.

A grin spread across my face as I remembered the glorious kiss we'd shared last night. Narcissa Black... The Narcissa Black, is my girlfriend! OHMYGOD HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY?! I knew when I first laid eyes on her the day she quite literally ran into me at school, that she was everything to me. Love at first sight if you will. I had this gut instinct that she would be the best thing to ever happen to me and as usual, it was correct. My gut has never failed me.

I'm going to make her my wife one day. I thought to myself as I laid in bed, stroking her silky yet messy hair. She's literally perfect. I love her so much.

Seeing as today was Sunday and we only had homework on the agenda for today, I closed my eyes and tried to drift back to sleep. I wanted to savor every moment of this closeness we had. Narcissa is all I will ever need.

I couldn't fall back asleep but I was content with that. I was too busy watching Narcissa sleep. It sounds creepy but she's truly precious when she sleeps. Unfortunately for me, she started to stir about 20 minutes after I woke up so my watching was cut short. But this meant I got to wake her up with kisses. And that was an opportunity I was not about to miss.

I proceeded to lightly attack her cute scrunched up face with butterfly kisses, eliciting a confused but satisfied groan from her.

"Mmm Jo?" She murmured, slowly opening her eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

She giggled and stretched for a moment before curling back around me and burying her head back into the crook of my neck.

"How did you sleep my love?" I asked softly, stroking her hair, earning a purr from my tiny girlfriend.

"Slept good. How about you darling?"

"Well I had a cuddly sloth wrapped around me all night so I say my sleep was satisfactory." I teased, turning my head to plant a kiss on her cheek.

"I'd be offended if you hadn't shown me how cute baby sloths are." She grumbled, burying her head deeper into my chest.

I giggled and grinned at her.

"You are the human equivalent to a baby sloth." I said.

"And you're my tree branch."she replied, plating a kiss to my neck.

"Not the first time I've been compared to a tree, but certainly my favorite."

She let out a full bellied laugh and rolled on top of me, using her forearms to push herself up and kissed me.

I eagerly returned the kiss, savoring the feel of her soft lips on mine. If this is what heaven feels like, I never want it to end. But it did. The necessity for oxygen took over and we broke apart to breathe.

"Its kinda homophobic that we have to breathe. It keeps us from making out." I deadpanned, causing Narcissa to collapse next to me in a fit of giggles.

"Of all the things that are homophobic, thats what you settle on." She giggled, raising a brow in disbelief.

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