Chapter 6

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Narcissa's POV:

My stay with Jo has been lovely thus far. We spent the weekend relaxing together and studying for classes whilst still finding time to feed my parents false information about muggles which they seemed to be buying.

Jo had driven me home Saturday morning to get my clothing and some other essentials but she wasn't happy about me not letting her meet my parents. I understand why. I wouldn't want to let her go into her parents home if the roles were reversed and she was being abused... but I was adamant in my decision. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my only friend. I care about her too much. And thats what I told her.

She ended up agreeing to stay in the car, but if I wasn't back in 20 minutes, she told me she was coming in regardless. I agreed and made it out in 15.

After that fiasco, we went back to the house and got me settled in the guest room, that Jo helped me decorate to my liking. It was very sweet of her to allow me to make her space my own. Lila had taken to me quite a bit and spent a lot of time with me. But she always slept in Jo's room with her, which was fine with me.

It was now Sunday night. Jo and I were cuddled up on my bed watching mindless television when she filled me in on her schedule for tomorrow.

"I'm going to go to the gym really early in the morning. Like around 4:30. You are welcome to stay here and continue on sleeping. I'll come back to shower and pick you up for school. Unless you feel like joining me." She said.

"What does joining you entail darling?" I asked.

"Well you don't have to join class of course. You can come and watch. But if you want to join, I'll mark you down as my guest and tell Daniel. He's the coach in the morning. Its a lot of weight lifting, rowing, running, and cardio. But its fun." She said. "Your body will ache though since it will be your first time. But its super fun and everyone there is really supportive. Especially to beginners. Fletcher comes in the mornings sometimes."

"Maybe I'll come watch first... if thats ok with you." I said.

"I'd love that!" She replied excitedly.

I smiled and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Would you stay with me tonight?" I whispered.

I felt embarrassed but I had been having nightmares and I really didn't want to be alone.

"Of course. Are you alright?" She asked, brushing a stray hair from my face.

"Yeah. I just get nightmares often. And I... I don't want to be alone tonight." I confessed, blushing.

"Cissy you are always welcome in my bed. Lets stay in my room tonight yeah?" She asked.

I nodded and she smiled and kissed my head making me blush even harder.

"Get your pajamas on love." She whispered.

I nodded and got changed into my matching silk set. When I had brushed my teeth and washed my face, I made my way back to her and hopped on her back. I find it endearing that Jo gives me piggy back rides.

"C'mon baby sloth. Lets go to bed."

As soon as Jo and I snuggled up in bed, Lila curled up at the end and began to snooze.

Jo held me tight as she ran a hand through my hair in a comforting manner.

"Thank you Jo." I whispered.

"Anytime Cissy. Anytime."

Jo's POV


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