Chapter 7

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Narcissa's first muggle Halloween! Jo goes all out for the holidays. TW: Bullying, violence.

Narcissa's POV:

Its been 3 weeks of living with Jo and I have never been happier in my life. For once in my life I'm not in constant fear. I'm not in danger of Bellatrix's psychotic breaks when she decides to go berserk and break everything in the house. My parents expectations aren't crushing me into the ground, and I'm living with my best friend! I recently discovered a week after moving in with Jo, that Halloween is a big deal in the muggle world. They, in Jo's words not mine, "go put in the streets and beg for candy in costumes" which sounds utterly humiliating. But Jo loves it. And I love- not love. I'm not in love. I swear. My heart just beats out of my chest when she's near and I feel like I'm flying when we touch. Thats not love. Thats signs of platonic friendship. Clearly.

But anyways... I adore Jo and Jo adores Halloween so when she suggested we have matching costumes, I couldn't refuse her. She gets this precious look of excitement in her eyes and I could never live with myself if I was the reason that look faded from her beautiful face. NOT BEAUTIFUL NARCISSA! YOU DONT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER!

Who am I kidding? I'm in love with my best friend. And how could I not be? After everything she has done to protect me... She lets me sleep in her bed every night so I don't get nightmares... she made my bullying problems vanish in an instant!

Those girls who picked on me my first day... The cheerleaders on Coach Cows team. They decided that I wasn't just a one and done target. The ring leader Sammy is in my French class. She wasnt there my first day, I guess she had to leave early or something. But she decided that she was going to make my life a living hell. The second week of school, everyday, she was horrible to me. It started with comments. Calling me Bambi, or Queen Elizabeth, or Narci. I was annoyed but I tried to ignore her. Then she stepped it up and started purposely walking into me so I'd drop my books. I decided not to tell Jo. It would just upset her and I'm not worth being upset over... But on Friday, after a long miserable week, she did something awful. I was walking in front of her to get into the classroom when I felt something sharp stab me in the back. I gasped in pain and had to bite my lip to stifle a cry when it dragged down further. When the object was pulled back from my body, I  whipped around to find Sammy with an innocent smirk on her face.


She was holding something just out of view but it had been deep enough to draw blood. I could feel it trickling down my back and I'd had enough.

"What did I ever do to you?!" I asked as I willed my tears to stay put.

"You existed." She whispered, her tone laced with venom sharp enough to send another jolt of pain. This time it was in the front of my body. I looked down to see what looked to be a blade from a handheld pencil sharpener.

"You don't belong here." She said with a fake smile and a heinous giggle.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, I know the blood on my back would be visible as I was wearing a crop top Jo had bought me when we went thrifting on Monday.

"You're a monster!" I hissed, pushing past her and running to the bathroom.


I could faintly here Ms. Watson calling after me but I kept walking towards the bathroom.

The footsteps persisted as well as the calling but I made it to the bathroom safely before she could catch up to me. Jo had told me the teachers weren't allowed in the students restrooms.

I texted Jo as I cried, not able to reach the spot on my back to wipe the blood off.

N: I'm so sorry to bother you Jo. But could you meet me in the F building bathroom? Bottom floor. Big stall. Something happened and I don't know what to do... Please.

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