The Visit

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Decked out in his finest armour - magically polished by Merlin just that morning - Arthur stood on the steps ready to greet his guests. The court physician stood at his right side and the court warlock on his left. The knights of the round table were standing in a V-formation spread out evenly on either side of Gaius and Merlin.

"We are most grateful to Sarrum for accepting our invitation, gracing our palace with his presence," Arthur began as the two dozen armed warriors came to a halt in front of him. "I welcome him and his warriors with friendship."

"The last time I met you, you were ten years old," Sarrum said in a very condescending tone. "Uther held a tournament in your honour."

"I fight my own tournaments now," Arthur said as politely as he could. Sometimes he really hated politics.

"Hmm," Sarrum replied, shrewd as if studying him. "If rumors are to be believed, there are quite a few other things you do on your own now as well. Things your father wouldn't've approved of."

"I am not my father," Arthur said calmly.

"That is more than obvious," Sarrum replied. "See, your father and I had a common interest. An interest that it seems you do not share."

"I take it you are referring to Camelot's recent change in its attitude towards magic," Arthur replied.

"Actually, I was referring to your total disregard for your father's twenty year struggle against magic by allowing it within your walls," Sarrum snapped.

"Recent events have led me to realize that we should judge our enemy by their intentions rather than their source of power," Arthur replied. "You and I wield swords while others wield magic. Both can be used for good and evil. Camelot had chosen to focus on the intent behind our enemies actions rather than the methods of those actions."

"I take it that means you are still an enemy of Morgana?" Sarrum inquired.

"So long as she threatens my people and my kingdom, yes," Arthur replied. "But it is her intentions, not her methods, by which I judge her to be my enemy."

"I see," Sarrum said coldly, without giving any indication of what his real thoughts were on the matter.

"Are you still willing to talk peace?" Arthur asked.

"Well, we did come all this way," Sarrum smirked. "And you promised there'd be food."

Arthur felt the tension in his shoulder relax a little. Maybe this wouldn't be as much of a disaster as he'd thought.

Less than an hour later, they were all sitting in the banquet hall. Gwen sat on his right and Sarrum on his left. Arthur was trying to keep up a conversation with the man, though he didn't feel like he was having much luck. The sudden change in laws had certainly put Sarrum on his guard.

"Even if you preferred my father's attitude towards magic, I feel we still have much in common," Arthur tried again to be diplomatic. Today was one of those days when he'd rather be fighting a beast than playing politics at a dinner table. "We share many allies and friends."

"Ah yes, but shared enemies are far more effective at turning sides," Sarrum said as he took a huge bite of the leg of meat in his hand.

"We have one of those in common as well," Arthur replied.

"Morgana," Sarrum stated.

"There is a rumour that you held Morgana prisoner," Arthur said. "Is it true?"

"As true as the rumour about your changed laws," Sarrum mocked him.

"How did you capture a high priestess?" Arthur asked, working hard to ignore Sarrum's mocking tone.

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