ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ

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"My father is your childhood friend...how?" you inquire slowly.

Right now, you are trying to process the nineteen-year-old pharaoh's words.

"I don't know, he was always around when I was young, and he had a relationship with my older sisters" he explains.

You frown at his explanation, not liking the thought of your father being with many women.

"He better not have been with mom back then" you whisper under your breath. 

"You know, you have his looks but not his personality" Tut points out.

"I'm (Y/n) by the way" the young pharaoh shrugs.

"I know, your father said that if he had a daughter, he will name her (Y/n)" you sigh.

"He told me that mother is the one who has chosen that name for me" Tut smiles at your words.

You look at him for a few seconds before smiling back at him.

"You know I told your father that if he had a sister I would marry her, unfortunately, he didn't have a sister"

Your smile drops, hoping that he isn't implying something.

He walks over to the table in the corner of the chamber and picks up what seems to be a leather journal.

He walks back to you and offers you the journal, in which you take.

"(F/n) left and forgot this behind, I believe he told me that it belonged to your great grandfather"

You gulp, and slowly open it to view what is written in it.

Tutankhamun watches you, his dark brown eyes examining your expression.

The more he stares at you, the more he realizes that you are indeed very beautiful especially with those long locks of (h/c) hair.

You, on the other hand, flip through the pages, trying to take everything in.

Yet what you got is a lot to take in.

Because they were descriptive writing of his sexual experiences with the Egyptian queens.

Especially Cleopatra, and queen Nefertari.

There are also magic spells and weird drawings.

You close the journal quickly while trying to hide your embarrassment.

"Well...that's interesting" you utter out, trying to not sound disturbed.

"Are you sure? You look disgusted" Tut taunts you playfully.

"So, do you know about the crystals?" Tutankhamun nods his head slowly, before taking off his golden bracelet.

You look at the crystal located within it with wide eyes, then back at him.

"You are going to give it to me just like that?" You inquire suspiciously.

"Yes, I promised (F/n) to help you, and I intend on keeping my promise..." He says, looking at you with sad and lonely eyes.

"Even though, I wanted to get to know you better, and become friends"

You realize that he misses your father you know how hard his life is due to his medical condition.

"I still have time, I don't have to return right away, we still can get to know each other"

Tutankhamun's eyes brighten in happiness like a young child, before hugging you tightly.

"I can't wait to play games with you"

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now