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Ayça moved her distracted glance for looking towards him and she must have thought she had imagined him because she closed her eyes and then opened again, to find him still there in front of her.
Filled with astonishment, she instinctively put a hand on her heart, maybe it was beating faster as his was.
In fact he thought that his heart would break his chest at any moment.
She looked like a goddess.
He had never really got how it was possible that she had slipped so deep into his soul since day one in that lavender field, or in those nights spent on the beach,when they never got tired to talk and hug each other in front of the bonfire.
Ayça stood up and took a few steps towards him, shortening the distances. Alp couldn't tell if what he saw on her face was a hint of a smile or he was just imagining it.
-You're back...Mavi nerde?
Alp cleared his throat, his mouth was dry, he would have gladly taken a sip of water.
-ehm ... at her friend's birthday party. Why are you out here? Aren't you cold?
Ayça shrugged and for a moment looked away from him to look at the sea.
- Usually at nights, after putting Mavi to bed, I go out here to think, looking at the sea relaxes me, I am in love with this view.
-and what do you think about?
He asked her in a whisper.
She didn't answer but she looked into his eyes, and he could finally meet hers, those blue eyes of her, like the night sea.
Alp was used to swim in her eyes in the past, but this time he had all the intention of getting lost and drowning into her blue.
- Shall we go inside? Have you had dinner? Do you want to eat something?
-I'm not hungry. I just want to talk. Sit next to you and talk.
Ayça led him inside the house, she had lit the fireplace and Alp felt the warmth radiate to his bones.
She walked over to the fireplace to warm her hands and he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. She was wearing a simple red sweater and blue jeans that highlighted her perfect body. Perfect. She was just perfect.
God, how much he wanted to wrap her arms around her slim body and never let her go.
-eee? What did you want to talk about? It's about Mavi I guess.
Ayça broke the silence and turned to him, who was still standing there, a few feets back.
-No, it's not about Mavi. It's about us.
Ayça froze and looked at him questioningly.
-Is there still a us?
She muttered, and instinctively crossed her arms across her chest.
Alp moved a little closer to her, never stopping to look into her eyes.
-Come here. Please.
Ayça started to breathe nervously;
The moment after she was taking a step towards him and he was taking a step towards her, then another step, and another one, until they were a few inches away from each other.
Alp gently took her hand, while with his other hand he brushed a strand of hair out of her forehead.
Their eyes seemed to get lost in each other's depth, unable to use words.
Alp's gaze moved from her eyes to her mouth as she slowly stroked her lower lip with his thumb.
Ayça gasped, suddenly feeling unable to handle with her emotions.
-I am here to beg you for forgiveness. I should never have walked away from you, I did the biggest mistake of my life.
I should have fought for you, for us, but I didn't see a way out. I've never stopped loving you even for a single day, Ayçam... I have thought of you everyday since you left, I never stopped loving you for this whole last year. Life without you has been an endless journey. And I will understand if you have forgotten me,if you no longer love me or no longer want to have anything to do with me.I swear that I will understand. It's enough for me to know that you have forgiven me and that you don't hate me for giving up on you and our family.

Words came out of his mouth like an avalanche of juicy strawberries taking her mind to places of love.
She felt a chill running up her legs and arms.
She closed her eyes and let his words enter her, reach her heart and her inner soul.
He still loved her.
Her hands slipped sweet and delicate on his face, as she came a little closer to him, captured by his gaze.
Her fingers moved up slowly on his temples, along his cheekbone, his cheek, and then they reached his chin.
Everything was so perfect to be true.
Alp closed his eyes.
The more she was gently touching his face, the more he surrendered to those caresses, letting himself go under her soft fingers;
It felt like they were lost in a dream.
Then his mouth was on hers. The taste of her lips was so sweet it hurt so bad.
The internal storm that shattered them, however, was not like a dream.
As he deepened the kiss, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer, Ayça felt like every inch of her body was melting.
She felt her bones go liquid, she could feel her body mold against his as Alp pulled closer and closer, continuing to kiss her. He kissed her with desperate hunger, giving vent to all the passion that was filling his soul, with overwhelming ecstasy.
When they pulled apart she let out a sigh,a smile, as she bit the inside of her lips for a few seconds. She held a power over him and, frankly, he didn't even care about it at that point. He had now surrendered, completely and without hesitation
- Unfortunately I can't forgive you.
She said with an awfully serious look on her face.
But even before any bad thought flooded through his brain she had clung on him, in a docile and desperate grip.
-I can't forgive you for thinking that I don't love you anymore.
He hid his face in her neck and tightened his grip, he pressed her against him, diving into that scent of her that he was breathing in vehemently. He exhaled his visceral joy and excitement on her skin, as he was finally getting rid of that overwhelming burden.
The excitement to finally have her all for himself was burning in his blood. He wanted her to know how much he wanted her, and not just that way, but in every possible way.
He held her tighter because he really needed it now, because he needed to shake it all off and feel just like that, just for a while, to feel damn grateful to that fucking life that even if it had taken everything away from him, now it was giving him everything back.
-Did you really think you could run away from me forever?
He whispered, running his lips over the sharp curve of her jaw, pausing near her earlobe for a second. He rubbed his beardy cheek against hers, while still entrapping her in his arms.
-You are here ...
she murmured im his ear, still incredulous that all this was really happening.
-Yes I am here hayatım. I am here and I will never leave you again.
He was determined to leave for a one-way trip on her divine body, he would love her like never before, he would kiss every single part of her skin.
And when she whispered
- I want you
that was the breaking point, the moment when his neurons, his synapses, all the cells in his body were screaming for her, nothing else was more important in that moment.
There was something more that he wanted to say. It was right on the tip of his tongue, it was right there until a few seconds before. God, he couldn't feel anything but her and that feeling on and under his skin, and in his veins, in his lungs and chest.
-You are messing with my mind, I can't understand anything when I'm with you
He whispered before capturing her lips with his, unable to hold over his passion. He got lost in the sweetness of her mouth, devouring her as if there was no tomorrow.

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