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-Oh my goodness, Alp! Since when did you become so romantic? Please stand up, come here.
Ayça took him by the hand and pulled him to stand up, she looked deep into those beautiful green eyes.
He went all in. He really did.
-I became romantic since I lost my mind over you.
He said, his voice slightly louder than a whisper.
-I didn't expect this.
-We have a lot of ground to cover and I want to do it in the best way. But you are supposed to say yes first.
The emotion stirring within her began to unleash and she didn't know she said the words until they left her mouth.
-Yes. Evet. I want to marry you.
Her eyes filled with tears of joy as she felt a wave of love wash through the room.
Alp took her hand in his trembling hands and somehow he managed to put the ring on her finger.
-Are we engaged now?
She asked, overcome with emotions.
-it looks like it
The faint hint of a smile appeared on his face, he was feeling too overwhelmed by emotions.
-Did I say something wrong? You look a little weird.
-I just want to kiss you.
His lips hovered just above hers, sending a tremor of anticipation through her.
-And make love to you...
He added, his words a caress along the sensitive skin of her mouth. He made her forget everything but the soft pressure of his lips against hers.
-...and you will wear nothing but that engagement ring...
His hand caressed her neck as his mouth ate at hers, sending waves of pure pleasure through her body.
She gasped, and he took advantage of her open lips to plunder her mouth with deep, sinful kisses that made her dizzy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, dipping her fingers into his dark, soft hair. He made a satisfied moan  at the feeling of her wrapped around him, he attacked her neck with his mouth, licking and sucking her skin into bruising little welts, whispering her name, sending shivers down her spine.
He felt his crotch tighten and gritted his teeth softly.
Ayça exhaled a ragged breath, hands flying to his head to run her fingers through his messy hair.
No words were spoken from this point on as no words could describe what either of them were feeling. There was only the sound of clothes tossing on the ground, muffled moans and soft cries, and then a door was locked. The world around them dissolved until the only thing they knew was each other's name. The only thing that made sense was the thunder in their veins and the divine ecstasy that echoed in their souls.

-Anne! Baba!
Ayça opened her eyes already feeling the terror wrapping 'round her throat.
Mavi was wide awake and they were still lying asleep in the bed, both naked after a whole night of passion that left them both exhausted.
-Holy Fuck!
She sat on the bed, her head was so heavy and she barely could keep her eyes open.
-Alp! Alp, wake up, hadi!
It was clear that Alp had no intention of waking up.
She got up of the bed and she looked on the pavement for something to wear quickly.
Good, Alp's shirt was there and it was enough to cover her up to her tights.
On her way to the door she stumbled upon her panties and she managed to wear them while walking into the living room.
-Mavi, mommy is here.
She announced before entering her daughter's room.
Mavi was sitting on her bed holding her Teddy Bear in her arms. Her hair was messy and she got her pouty face on.
-Good morning meleğim.
Ayça said placing a kiss on her forehead, while combing her hair with her fingers.
-Mommy did daddy leave already?
-Yoo. He's still sleeping. Now, where'd you get that idea? Mavi, your dad would never leave without saying goodbye.
-I don't want him to leave again. Can we go with him next time?
Ayça's heart was aching, how could she tell her that next time would have been the day after?
-Look, we can't go with him because you must go to school and I have to finish my weekly work, but I promise you that we will make him a surprise and we will go to Istanbul next weekend. But, bana bak, we will go only if you can keep this secret between you and me. Tamam mi?
-Tamam. Now I am hungry can we have breakfast?
-I am going to make breakfast, you go wash your face and brush your teeth.
Ayça waited for Mavi to enter the bathroom, then she rushed in her bedroom to wear something warmer, she was literally freezing with just Alp's shirt on.
She put on a hoodie and sweatpants at the speed of light.
Alp was still sleeping, she couldn't decide if waking him up or not, but since he had such a little time to spend with his daughter, she decided to wake him up. She picked his clothes up off the floor and put them on a side of the bed, before leaning towards him and kissing him on the neck.
-Good morning lover boy. Time to wake up.
He opened one eye, then the other one and smiled.
-Am I dreaming?
He asked with a sleepy, hoarse voice. He pulled her closer and kissed her softly, then hugged her tightly.
- Mavi can come here any minute now, you better dress up. I am going to make breakfast or I will win the award for the worst mother and future wife ever.
-You're perfect to me Ayça.
The way she couldn't help herself but chill every time he whispered her name just like this.
-I have a daughter and she is hungry.
-You have a husband too, well a husband-to-be and he's hungry too.
He said as he was getting dressed.
-I'll make believe I didn't hear you.
She said and she disappeared from his sight.
-I will take full revenge on our honeymoon, I swear. He shouted after her.
Mavi jumped on the bed throwing her arms around her dad's neck.
-Here is my beautiful princess. You look so beautiful today meleğim. Hadi, let's do something useful. How about helping mom make breakfast?

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