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When Ayça's called him to tell him that their daughter was missing, Alp was driving near Izmir and managed to drive to Sigacik in less than one hour.
His little girl could be in danger and he could feel his heart shake inside as he felt the pain tugging away at him. Ha was panicking but he was also angry. How could a kid be missing in a safe place as school should be?
When he parked the car and walked to the school, he looked for Ayça but he couldn't see her of all people who were there trying to find Mavi.
He spotted a policeman and introduced himself as Mavi's father before checking on the progress.
-Police is looking all over the town. We will find her, merak etme.
-Have you seen my wife?
Well, they were not married but he didn't know how explain himself better in that moment.
-Yes she is inside. - he said pointing at the school- she collapsed...well not so much fainted as swooned.
Alp rushed into the school and he saw Ayça on a bench, she was looking off in the distance and she didn't even notice him getting close.
He called her with broken voice.
Her sight slowly moved from that far non-existent point to his figure.
She slowly got to her feet, unsteadily, and he immediately took her in his arms, he really thought she might fall off.
She was dazed and nonsense just came out of her mouth.
-what if someone kidnapped her? I am afraid that someone took my baby.
She said before bursting into tears. He softly kissed the tears away.
Alp was very concerned himself, but he hated to see her cry - it nearly undid him every time. Her knees give way beneath her and he catched her again, like he once promised her he always would. She was so small, so tiny. Alp carried her to the bench, where he sit down drawing her close.
He could hear her heart beat. She curled up in his arms and I just wish he could protect her from the world.
-I will find her. I promise you that I will find her. But   I need you to stay strong. I can't leave you here like this, please Ayça pull yourself together, we need to find our daughter before dark.
While he was talking to her, his mind was desperately trying to locate his daughter, trying to get some idea where she might have gone and why.
He cupped Ayça's face with both hands forcing her to look at him with lucidity.
-Ayça, aşkım, I need your attention, I need you to concentrate for a moment. Did Mavi tell you something this morning or yesterday? A place where she would like to go, or I don't know, something that sounded odd?
Ayça looked at him trying to focus on his questions, her eyes were filled with tears of helplessness, she was taking deep breaths as if this could help her focus better.
-I don't remember...I told her that you would come today, she was happy, but then she told me that if you hadn't come, she would come to see you. Do you think that she ran off from school to find you?
Alp was really hoping that it was something like that and they would find her soon; the thought that something might have happened to his daughter was killing him from the insides but he had to stay focused and centered.
- I am going to join the others for searches.
- I'll go with you. I feel useless here.
- No, please Ayça, just stay here. I promise you that I will come back here with Mavi. I swear, it's a promise. You are in no condition for something like this.
-Alp please, find my baby.
-I will.
To be honest, fear was taking his breath away, but he knew that he just couldn't give in to anxiety.
He went to get his car and he started to drive with no place to go. He drove for one hour, without really knowing which way to go, until he finally remembered.
Two weeks earlier, when he spent the whole day alone with Mavi, they went to the harbours, they sat on the dock together to watch the fishing boats come in.
-Daddy where are this fishermen going now?
Mavi had asked him while looking at those men leaving their boats.
-They are going back to their families. They will go home and cook the fish caught today.
-Daddy are all the dads coming from the sea? Will you also come here by boat and bring fish with you?
Alp had hugged her and placed a kiss on her head.
-Let's say that every time you miss me, you can look at the sea and daddy will come. I can bring you fish if you like it.
Why didn't he ever think of that? He should have seen this the whole time.
He parked the car near the port and ran towards that deck. His heart was just going to explode when he spotted Mavi sitting on the same bench they were two weeks before.
He rushed towards her.
All he was living for was to see her blue eyes again. Her little face lighted up when she noticed him.
-Daddy? Daddy you came!
And she ran up to give him a big hug.
Alp's eyes filled with tears as he couldn't believe he actually found her and she was there in his arms.
-I am here. I am here my sweetheart. We were worried, promise me that you will never walk around alone again.
-But I was waiting here for you and you came.
-Next time I will come only if you stay with mom, tamam mı?
-Pekala,pekala, pekala.
Alp strokes her dark silky hair while holding her.
-Let's go, mommy is waiting for us.
Alp called Ayça while driving home, he didn't want Mavi to see all the people outside the school, he asked Ayça to talk to the police and stop searching and come back home as soon as possible.
Ayça came home in half an hour and Mavi welcomed her with arms wide open.
-Anneee, Anneciğim!
-Mavi, my girl, my love.
She held the kid tight into her arms, her eyes still full of tears, but she was smiling now.
-Now promise me that you will never, ever do anything like this again and that you will never walk alone again.
-I promise.
Then Ayça came up to him, she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her tighter, pulling her so close, not even letting air pass between them.
-Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much.
She whispered in his ear, before giving his neck a soft, wet kiss.
-I love you too...
She could feel his body tense when her lips got in contact with the soft skin just under his earlobe. She knew it was his sensitive spot, but she had to take a step back because Mavi was there, looking at them totally disgusted.
-Ugh, what are you doing? This is kinda disgusting.
They both laughed.
-Mavi, when you love someone you give them kisses.
-I don't like kisses, kisses are wet I mean like ugh! Ugh!
-Now go to your room and pick up your favourite pajamas, I got to get you in the tub before dinner.
-Can I choose the one with the little bears?
-Sure you can.
As Mavi rushed to her room, Ayça took one moment to breathe again.
-I just can't believe it's over. I was scared to death.
Alp wrapped his arms around her waist and she looked at him through those intense blue eyes he loved.
-Just relax. It's all over now. But we will talk later about what happened. Now let's enjoy our family time. I've missed you both so much..."
-And as soon as Mavi falls asleep we will definitely enjoy some quality couple time alone in our bedroom. I think I'll never thank you enough for bringing our daughter back home..."
Cupping his face in between her palms, she placed a soft kiss on his lips.
Alp heaved a sigh of relief and shut his eyes in ecstasy feeling her soft touch on his skin as he snuggled even closer to her and his hands found her tiny waist. He dropped his forehead against hers, shaking his head slightly as he stared deep into her eyes.
-How do you always know, Ayça ...?

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