It's Just Easier Than Dealing with the Pain

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Song lyrics continue above— more fabulous 90s angst. "Runaway Train" - Soul Asylum
There was a spot just at the base of the skull that throbbed as if an evil little elf took a hammer and pounded at Colleen's brain whenever she drank to excess. That elf was working overtime.

"Oh, god," she groaned, stumbling into the bathroom. She was immediately sick and instantly regretful. A look in the mirror continued her walk of shame as she stared back at her mascara smeared, tangled hair reflection. She hadn't intended everything to get so out of hand last night. She had called Hannah last minute to go out, since her mother had offered to keep Ben and give her a night off. Honestly Colleen didn't remember much after that— vague memories of dancing— to "Shoop" of all things. The taste of wine. And pain...a bruise. Colleen lifted the bottom of the oversized t-shirt she'd somehow changed into and spotted a black and blue mark on the front of her right thigh.

"Ouch," she hissed.

A shower was definitely in order. And something for the headache. She changed into a fresh pair of jeans and her Oasis t-shirt, quickly blowing her hair dry. A quick glance at the kitchen clock showed she still had four hours until her mum would bring Ben back.

Four hours to sober up. That's doable. Of course that would be easier if she had some decent food in the house. Sunday was her usual market day, to prepare for the work week ahead. That was about the last thing she felt like doing today. Making herself a piece of toast in hopes it would settle her stomach, she laid back on the sofa and turned on the television.

More news on the bridge attack. Or more accurately no news. Why they insisted on talking about the same news story over and over when there was no news was beyond her. Colleen promptly switched it back off. Robert's mother would probably call her soon, asking if she had seen the latest, even though the latest was what they had seen fifty times already. The woman called multiple times a day, sobbing over her son, expecting Colleen to cry with her. She was inevitably disappointed.

Instead of the phone ringing she expected to hear, the doorbell rang instead. She considered ignoring it. As a matter of fact she normally never answered her doorbell; she usually told Ben to be quiet in hopes whoever it was would go away. But given her current state, it was likely just Hannah checking to make sure she had made it through the night alive.

"I'm fine, Hannah, I just...oh. Sorry." Colleen made an instinctive move back inside, wondering how rude it would be to quickly close and lock the door. The man standing there had to be lost. He looked like he was on his way to somewhere important, dressed in dark gray slacks and a gray and white striped dress shirt, with a shiny black leather belt and shoes. Colleen was struck by his beautiful head of hair— thick, dark brown curls that you didn't see on many men nowadays. Tucked under his arm was a bakery bag, and in his other hand he held a tray with two cups of coffee. He wore a hopeful and expectant expression that she wasn't quite sure how to handle.

"Um, do I know you, sir? You must have the wrong flat."

He shook his head with a smile. "No, I'm certain this is the right place. I'm Sirius Black."

Colleen stifled a laugh. "Is that really your name?"

His smile faded a bit. "What's the matter with my name?"

Colleen could feel her cheeks flush. "Nothing. It's just a fitting name for you, that's all." What she was too embarrassed to say was that it was a ridiculously hot and sexy sounding name, and it fit him perfectly.

"Well, my full name is Sirius Orion Black, if that makes any difference."

Of course it is. Colleen just smiled hesitantly, wondering what in the world to say or do next. This was insanely weird and awkward.

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