You'll Come Apart and You'll Go Black

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Major smut warning. Padfoot-kink (lite). Explicit sex. But also some pretty romantic stuff as well.

Chapter title from "Fade Into You" by Mazzy Star. Perhaps the best example of the dichotomy of this chapter is that I waffled between this song and "Sweet Dreams" - Marilyn Manson version. 😈 Perhaps start with that then move on to Mazzy Star. 😉 They both work wonderfully here. 🎵

"I need you."

It was a guttural utterance. Sirius looked as if he'd been simmering under the surface for hours and was now at a raging boil. Colleen's terror from the invasion downstairs shifted from panic to a deeper, mysterious fear tinged with intoxication.

His hair was the messiest she'd ever seen it— unruly and wild. It had come lose from his ponytail during his transformation, which she'd listened to through the closed door with a mix of horror and curiosity. A thin sweat covered his flushed skin, and his chest still heaved with adrenaline. If Ben weren't half asleep on her lap, Colleen was fairly sure Sirius would be pummeling her on the floor.

"I— I don't feel comfortable leaving him anywhere to sleep," she said hesitantly. "This place is full of strange things, and what if someone else comes in to hurt us?"

"Mundungus wasn't here to hurt us," Sirius muttered, his voice edgy, impatient. "He's just common gutter filth looking to make off with my godson's inheritance. At any rate, it's after 9:00, which means I can put a temporary ward on the door. No one from the Order would arrive this late unless they could prove true emergency, and the house would receive a warning, through floo or portrait."

"Yes, but what about the threats inside?" Colleen whispered, still beyond unsettled with the thought of her son sleeping among spying, shrieking portraits,
a canopy of cobwebs, and the possibility of more scurrying rats and snakes.

Sirius sighed, his hands on his hips. "Harry has slept here many nights, as have his friends. It's perfectly safe, Colleen. And we've already completely scoured Reg's room tonight— you know it's safe. Let's just let him sleep there. Regulus had arguably the most comfortable bed in the entire house; he was the favorite, after all."

"Has it been washed since he...?"

"Good gods, Colleen, I'll go charm the bedding, alright? Just please bring him along."

Sirius was most certainly not himself. Or was he? How well could she really know him in such a short time?

He's complicated, Colleen. You knew that from the beginning, and you're learning it more every day. You saw how petrified and fragile he was after his nightmare last night— the man has his ups and downs.

She knew she was still sensitive from Robert, and the thought of Sirius yelling at her like Robert used to terrified her. But like she'd explained to Sirius the night she laid there, at the mercy of his magic wand, there was a certain excitement at the thought of Sirius exerting control, something that told her any aggression he may show came from some primal love and desire for her rather than hatred or anger. It was probably dangerous thinking, but it was where her mind currently resided, for better or worse. She was a bit excited that she could cause him to react this way.

As she held Ben's sleeping form on her shoulder, she watched Sirius tear through the room with his wand, rendering every inch spotless and doing one last check for any hazards. He pointed hastily at the green and silver bed with his wand, indicating its readiness. His posture was stiff, his jaw clenched, like he would explode. This must be the beast part. Colleen swallowed nervously and tucked Ben in with a kiss goodnight and a mother's quick once-over of the room as well.

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