Marvels Eternals

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{I was enchanted to meet you}

Name: Achlys

Origin of Name: The Greek goddess of poison and the clouding of eyes after death.

Nickname: Ach, ly, Poison.

Age: Older than time itself.

Date of Birth: 30th October.

Place of Birth: The World Forge.

Gender: Female, however is confused.

Sexuality: Bisexual.


Alignment: Eternal of course. What other side would she be on?
OK. Maybe she harmed some poor mortals. But that slowed the emergence.

Occupation: Eternal/ Barmaid.

Status: Hiding.

Relationship Status: Single

Location: Inverness, Scotland.



Civilian clothing:

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Civilian clothing:

Civilian clothing:

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Personality: Somewhat motherly towards her fellow Eternals. However would not hesitate to threaten to punch a mortal. Definitely the go to for the hard truth or advice. Protective over her own. However she is not afraid to let loose sometimes and have some fun.

Cooking for the others.
○Being around the other Eternals
○Putting threats on some mortals heads.

Being told what to do.
○Other people not pulling their weight.

Fears: She is terrified of failing, and also losing those she loves. For her those two things have gone hand in hand. However, once she finds out about the Emergance she begins to struggle to chose what to do.


Powers: As her name suggests she has the ability to poison people. She knows how to make them. How to cure someone from them. She can find a source of poison and extract from it and can also walk through it. No problem.

Costume: Like the other Eternals but deep dark green with sliver accents on it.




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Friends: Really any immortal she comes across. Other than Ikaris. Fuck Ikaris.



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Achlys was made in the world forge and came to earth with the rest of the Eternals.

She helped them do their jobs for many years and was quite a motherly figure to some of the 'younger' ones.

However when they split up she was one of the first to leave. She took Sprite with her for a while but soon let them go elsewhere. Living alone.


-that-redhead-bxtch- LOOK

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