Doctor Who

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{My friends from home don't know what to say}

Name: Cassiopeia Swift
Nickname: Cassie, Cas
Species: Human
Where from: Aberdeen, Scotland (I was gonna make a joke here. But I don't wanna be yelled at-)



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Personality: Cas is rather straightforward when it comes to her feelings and emotions. She will lay it out how she sees it. Unfortunately, when it comes to off world visitors and historical events, it's not the most helpful thing. She's rather open, sometimes too open. However, if it came to a fight, she wouldn't be the first person to run in. She'd want to make sure that she was safe and might survive before putting herself at risk.

Occupation(before travelling-): Journalist.
Backstory/story: Cas had a pretty average life, ya know, school, college, uni, parents got on. Got a steady job in journalism and things were fine and dandy, until aliens. Seeing the opportunity for a good story and to take her career further, she moved to where everything was happening and started getting right in the middle of the action, or well, as close as she thought would be safe.

It was on one day her life would be forever changed. After getting caught up in the wrong place, she was rescued by some fella, turns out he was a time travelling ailen and well, that was it. Off she went and travelled the universe and time. Always under strict instruction not to write about it.

How things ended: Cas soon realised that the life of constant danger wasn't what she wanted. And so she left. UNIT were very happy to take her in and there she remained. Helping them when it was required.

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