Star Wars - Sequels

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{I just wanted you to know, that this is me trying}


Name:  Venus Oberon
Age:  29 at The Force Awakens
Place of birth:  Cantonica
Gender:  Genderqueer
Pronouns:  she/they
Sexuality:  Bisexual.


Alignment:  The Resistance
Occupation:  Pilot and spy for the Resistance
Relationship status: Single
Location: On one of the First Order ships at the start of the Force Awakens.



Outfit: While with the Resistance, she wears clothes simiar to Poe

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Outfit: While with the Resistance, she wears clothes simiar to Poe. Shirts, jackets, trousers. Nothing more fancy. However during her period with the First Order, she wears their uniform. Finding it uncomfortable.


Personality: Venus is a social chameleon. Which helps her out with the spy missions. She is also rather outgoing and charismatic. Again. Allowing her to work her way through the inner systems of everything.
Likes: Flying, causing chaos for the Frist Order, stealing things and disobeying the orders.
Dislikes: The extra difficult missions, getting caught and loud noises.
Fears: Loud noises, the Resistance falling and getting caught.
Force sensitive: No.


Crush: Main boy- Poe Dameron

Crush: Main boy- Poe Dameron

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Seconadary boy- General Hux- I cannot not

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Seconadary boy- General Hux- I cannot not. And will not. Explain this

 Explain this

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Friends: Most of the Resistance, but in particular Finn

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Friends: Most of the Resistance, but in particular Finn. BB8. Rose. Tallie Lintra
Enemies: Kylo Ren is a jerk. End of story.
Droid: X-O is small enough that Venus has gotten away with sneaking and out of the First Order.

in and out of the First Order

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Backstory: Venus grew up on the planet of Cantonica and spent most of her childhood stealing in order to gain money. They eventually managed to slip her way into the Resistance. At first, Leia reprimanded her, but Leia then realised they could do with someone like them to infiltrate different First Order camps. She and Poe instantly became friends, with Poe taking them under his wing and training them to be a pilot alongside him. When she finally took on the mission to infiltrate the First Order from the highest power, no one managed to smell a rat. They were close to catching them many times. But were ultimately unsuccessful.

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