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{Cause you don't feel pretty. You just feel used}

Name: Samantha Williams
Nickname: Sam
Age: Depends on crush

Personality: Sam couldn't care less about what people think of her

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Personality: Sam couldn't care less about what people think of her. She is very reckless and hard to kedp a control of. She loves seeing people who hurt her or her friends suffer
Powers: Can manipulate air
Likes: People suffering. Being allowed to do what she wants. Getting her voice heard
Dislikes: Her friends being the ones suffering. Rules. Being lovked up. Not being listened to

(I know outfit isn't very time fitting

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(I know outfit isn't very time fitting. But.)

Crush: Quicksilver/ Peter Maximoff.
Charles Xavier. Jean Grey (Hello. She is gorgeous)
Backstory: Sam grew up in a northenly fishing town. When word got sround about whta she could do her famiyl moved. At the age of 15 she ran away from home to save her family the pain of hee being there. She tries to keep her powers off the radar.

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