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The Cullens and Eguene were sitting at there usual table and just chatting.

"hey Edward guess what" Alice smirks


"a new boy is coming to school" she laughs a bit

"shit here we go again" Rosalie mumbles through laughter

Door opens and no one really payes attention to the person who just walked in.

Edward and Eguenes head goes up in sync and look at the boy

"oh fuck" Eguene whisperes

Honey blonde hair, short and slim. It can't be. Right?

"what is it?" Emmett asks

"thats Alex" Eguene says

Edward still gazing at his past lover like in a way like they were still teenagers in love. Nothing mattered at that moment. With all the staring at the blonde haired boy Edward doesn't realise that somone was walking thowards him and his family.

"Edward" the person says

"What do you want Bella?"

"I wanted to ask you if we could start ov-"

"Exuse me for a bit" he shots at her patting his brother to follow him

Edward and Eguene start walking to the table where Alex was sitting.

The boy had an apple in his hand while reading something with headphones on his head.

The two walk to Alexes table and his head shots up.


"Hey Al" Eguene maneges to say


"I- how are you here?"

"who cares about that you are- You look even more beautiful then before" Alexes 5'6 body gets up from his chair and touches his ex lovers cheeks with his hands

"AL how are you alive?"

"Well on my 17th birthday I got run over with a car and someone found me and changed me"

"oh I- I missed you"

"I missed you to ed"

"FAGS!" Some dushe yelled from the other side of the cafeteria

"OI FUCK OFF" Eguene yells while sitting in the chair watching the whole scene

Edward cups Alexes face and kisses him like no one is around.

"Hi! I'm Alice"

"Alice! they are having a momenttt!" Eguene whines and she laughs

"Hi Alice! I'm Alex"

"you can call me Ali"

"well then you can call me Lex" he smiles

"are you done?" Edward asks Alice

"yeah" she turns away and walks back to there table

"Haya! I'm Emmett and this is Jasper"

"NO BODY ASKED YOU EMMETT" Edward shouts as Alex puts a hand on his lovers mouth

"Alex, nice to meet you"

"pleasure is all mine" Jasper smirks

"okay now bye bye" Edward comments

"Hey I'm Rose"

"I swear to god I will off myself right here" Edward sits back on the chair behind him

"I'm Alex"

"I know, heard lot great things about you" she smiles

"Do you wanna meet our parents" she asks

"Sure if thats okay with Edward" he looks at his lover and he smiles

"cool we'll pick you up" she winked and walked back to her table

Alex turns to Edward and smiles

Edward grabs him by his waist and pulls him on his lap with him facing him and hugged him

Alex burys his face in Edwards neck

"Everyone is watching" Edward whispers in Alexes ear

"I don't care, I didn't see you for 90 years" He mumbles

Him. - Edward × maleWhere stories live. Discover now