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here is Christmas special! <3

Eguene ran through the house screaming in panic.

"Help meeeeee"

"Come back here you little shit" Edward chased after him

"whats going on?" Emmett asked

"Eguene said that Alex is so light weight that we can put him as a star on top of the tree. And then he covered him in Christmas lights when he was sleeping"


"Its not funny I can't get out" Alex whined hopping to the family

"here this will help" Eguene said putting on a Christmas ornament on Alexes ear

"I'll help you" Alice smiled walking thowards him and putting a Christmas hat on top of him

"Now now Alice that was not needed here" Carlisle said wraping him in some Christmas fluffy thing

"okay now that is rude."

"You will all go to hell" Edward said picking Alex up and taking him to his room

"I think we did a great job" Emmett said high fiveing Eguene and Jasper

later that night

"well I got him up and he is refusing to get out so great job"

"Oh come on Eddie boy it was funny" Emmett laughed

"Oh no it was hilarious its just that he is laying on my bed and I can't get him to help me acually decorate the Christmas tree"

"Well we can always do this. ALEX EDWARD ESTA DESNUDO"

"What? Yeah. I'm here." Alex said rushing thowards them "that was just rude."

"What did he say?"

"oh nothing"

Him. - Edward × maleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora