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I was shaking against the side of my mother's car. The wet tears started to make my face itchy and cold. I was sitting against my car when I heard police cars pull up behind my mom's car. The doors slammed shut and I heard fast running towards me. "DAMIEN!!" a voice yelled. I looked to my left and saw one of my closest friends stiles running to me. He skeeted to a stop and kneeled down in front of me. I was still looking at the body when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I slowly looked up and saw the sheriff Stilinski stile's dad. I started to panic and tears started to fall again. "Sheriff I- I swear I di- didn't mean to he just jumped i- in front of m- me and- and I w- was out past my curfew" "Hey hey don't worry I know you didn't mean to do this," he said softly. I put my hands on my head and rocked back and forth. "She says I drive to fast. To fast. To fast" I said.  "Listen first we have to call your mother" sheriff Stilinski said. My eyes instantly snapped towards him. "Wh- what do you mean I thought you said you believed me," I said in a monotone voice. "I know kid, and I do but I have to tell your mother about this, your underage and just saw something horrific," Ihe said. He patted we d my shoulder and started walking towards his car. I started to rise up from the ground I tried to run after him but stiles held me back. "Wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I cried out to him.

 Time seemed to slow down and it was like I was watching a film. Stiles was calling my name trying to calm me down. While I was desperately trying to get to the sheriff. I then started hearing my name being called  I stopped and stood still and tried to listen to the sound. It was faint at first but it started to grow louder until there was a ringing in my ear. I covered my ears in pain until the noise was gone. When I finally removed my hand I felt a warm liquid in my ear. I touch it and saw "Damien". I looked back at stiles to see his eyes were lifeless. "Damien," he said. "What stiles what is it," I said worriedly. "It's time to wake up Damian," he said in a monotone voice. "What are you talking about man," I asked. "Damien it time to wake up" I turned away felt the ground underneath me shake.  The only person that was moving was moving. I sinkhole opened underneath me.

I opened my eyes with a gasp for air. I sat and backed up into the wall. I was sweating and my vision was blurry due to the tears in my eyes. I felt some touch my arm. I almost screamed but someone covered my mouth. "Hey hey calmed down it's just us" I recognize The voice as my other best friend Scott McCall. I calmed down a bit and wipe the tears from my face. With my vision clear, I saw Scott in Stiles fully clothed. I looked at my clock on my desk and it read 10:58 pm. "Scott, stiles what are you guys doing here you know you're not supposed to be here," I said softly. "We came to ask if you want to come with us for something but now I'm starting to think it was a bad idea," Stiles said. I looked at my door and saw it was a little bit open. I panicked and ran to the door before closing it softly. I took a breather and slowly walked towards my bed. I took a seat but I still felt the stares coming from my friend. "Come on don't look at me like that," I said looking at them. "how are we supposed to look at you, you were in the middle of having a night terror and I bet she's too drunk to even care," stiles said angrily. I stood up shushed him. "Listen I know except..." "except what," Scott asked. "She's all I have left," I said sadly. It hit an awkward silence. Until I got up from my bed. I went to my dresser and started pulling out jeans. "What are you doing," Scott asked. "Well, your both here in the middle of the night which means the three of us are going somewhere right," I said before throwing a hoodie over my head. "But we didn't even tell you yet," stiles said. "You can tell me in the jeep," I said before jumping out the window. Stiles looked at Scott and to which Scott only shrugged. "I hate it when he does that," he said. "I know but what can you do" Scott replied heading towards the window. "Yeah yeah shut up and help me down". Stiles said.

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