Chapter 3

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We were running to the field in our lacrosse gear and Stiles was trying to convince Scott not to play. "But if you play I have no one to talk to," stiles said. "why am I the only one you're trying to convince why don't you ask Damien," Scott said. "Damien plays every year," he said. It was true to keep me from going home I had gotten a spot on the team from the start of eighth grade. Stiles groaned loudly before going to take a seat on the bench. I stopped walking when I noticed Scott staring at the girl Allison from earlier. "This is starting to become a Twilight movie," I said. "McCall!!" I heard a voice yell. I smiled and turned around to see my favorite teacher. "Coach Finstock" I booked. He looked in my direction and smiled. He got done with Scott and walked over to me. "Lupus," he said smiling. He laughed and ruffled my hair. "It's Loup" I corrected "Don't care. Jesus I'm pretty sure you grew afoot over the summer," he said smiling. I nodded before looking at the team all laughing and preparing "So what's the plan you want them to get hyped up" I said "That was the plan but what are you thinking" he asked smiling. "Well, they think Scott is an easy target so I will help him break their confidence so you can yell at them," I said. Coach smile fell and he started shaking his head. "God it's like looking in a mirror," he said before laughing and patting my back. He ruffled my hair again before pushing me towards Scott. I went next to Scott smiling. "How do you do that," he asked. "Simple coach likes me the most and be honest what s not like," I said raising my arms in an embracing way. He laughed and pushed me a bit. I waited for everyone to get into a line. Coach then blew his whistle loudly. The ringing in my ears was unbearable and I had my hands covering my ears.

I saw someone running towards us before throwing the ball our way. As it came towards us almost on an instinct I stuck my hand out in the ball flew into my left palm. I looked behind me and saw my hand two inches from Scott s face. "Whoa," he said. "Focus please," I said. He nodded his head and looked straight at the guys across the field. When the next person threw the ball He actually caught it. My jaw dropped instantly and looked at the field and saw the rest of the team speechless. The next person came and I caught it, then Scott caught one. Eventually, we were taking turns catching the ball with smiles on our faces. The crowd was ecstatic as they cheered. But our happiness came to an end when someone from the team yelled out. "He's only catching the ball because Damien is by his side". It was the guy from earlier and I rolled my eyes. The others started agreeing and the coach called my name. I just sighed before looking at Scott. "Kick their asses," I said before making a fist. He smiled and gave a fist bump. I walked over and sat next to stiles. "How is he doing that," stiles asked. "What," I asked. Scott got into position and some ran towards him before launching a ball towards the net. Scott easily caught the ball with a big smile on his face. "That," stiles said pointing. I simply shrugged and smiled. Scott was blowing through the team easily but Jackson soon stepped up to assert his dominance. "Oh..." stiles started. "Shit" I finished. It was like watching a movie in slow motion. Jackson leaped into the air and threw the ball at fast speeds. But Scott quickly maneuvered his stick and caught it. Stiles and I both leaped into the air and cheer as was the rest of the crowd even Lydia.


After school, we were back in the woods looking for Scott's inhaler. Scott kept going on and on about how great it felt to be in the spotlight for once. "I don't know what it was, it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball," Scott said jumping over the creek below. "And that's not the only thing I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear smell things" my eyes widen at this knowledge. "Smell things like what," Stiles asked. "like the mint gum in your pocket," I said. He felt around in his pocket before pulling out an old stick of gum. "So you have the same symptoms he has," Stiles asked. I shook my head. "I don't know I can hear and smell things. I even gotten a lot stronger, but lately, I have gotten angrier than usual and sometimes I'll snap when I don't mean it" I said. "But you didn't get bit that night so maybe it's a virus," he said. "Yeah maybe our bodies are feeling adrenaline before we going to shock or something," Scott said worriedly. "You know I think I might have heard of this. It's a different kind of infection" Stiles said. Me and Scott both stop at the news. "Are you serious" Scott  "Yeah I think it's called...lycanthropy" he said. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes. "Jackass," I said walking forward. Scott was totally dumbfounded by this. "What is it is it bad" "oh yeah but it only occurs once a month during a full moon, awooo" Stiles said smiling. Scott gently pushed him away making me smile. "Hey I'm just saying you two are the ones that heard a wolf howling" "the currently seriously something wrong with us" "I know you guys are werewolves arrr" Stiles joked. Scott rolled his eyes and stopped walking. "You know I can try to round up all the silver I have because Friday is a full moon," he said

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