Chapter 5

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That night I went to the local CVS to pick up my mom's medicine. I had downloaded the files I had given me it was reading them on my phone. So far I learned that there are two different species of werewolf Type A they are either born a Werewolf or bitten by one. And Type B inherits the gene from one parent or both. The gene only triggers when you take a life of a human whether intentionally or by accident. On top of all this, I recently had gotten a terrible headache out of nowhere. It felt like nails scraping against my skull. "Great, so this means I did this to myself" I mumbled. I cut my phone off and stuffed it into my pocket.  I paid for the medicine And I started to walk towards the door when I felt someone bump into me. I dropped the medicine in my hand making me growl. I looked at the perpetrator and to my surprise, it was the blonde hair girl from school. She was just as nervous and frantic as the last time I saw her. We both went to pick up my medicine when we bumped our heads together. I groaned loudly and looked at the girl in front of me. "I- I'm so so so so so so sorry," she said. I looked at her closely and watch as she picked up the meds. "Listen we have to stop meeting this way Goldilocks," I said. She looked up at me and her eyes widen. "It's you," she said softly. "It's me?" I said confused. We both stood up and we just stood in front of each other awkwardly. "Um, can I have my bag". "Huh oh yeah sure," she said softly. She handed me my bag. It was quiet between the two of us and now we were starting to draw attention to ourselves. I coughed a bit before looking at her. "So what are you doing here" "I'm here to pick up my medicine," she said. I nodded my head and looked towards the door. "Well I'll see you at school," I said walking around her. As I was approaching the door my hearing kicked in. "I'm sorry man but this isn't enough" "what are you talking about it was 50 last time" "I know I'm sorry it just got changed to 90 3 days ago. Listen you can come back when you have enough-" "No you don't understand this all I managed to save I don't have anymore," she said. Her heart his beating out of her just and she slowly started hyperventilating. I turned around and started walking towards her. I dug into my pocket and slapped a fifty-dollar bill on the counter. And as soon as I did I felt another wave of pain in my head.

I closed my eyes and squeezed the side of my head. "Wha- what are you doing," she asked surprised. "Being a bastard" I said. She gave me a weird look as she stared at me. "I can't accept this," she said. I looked at the cashier snd glared at the man. "Give her the damn medicine," I said angrily. He looked scared for a sec before looking under the counter. I started walking away with my head still hurting. I heard my name being called from Erica. All of a sudden I heard the bone in my ankle snap loudly. At first, I did feel it then the pain shoot through my body. I instantly started yelling. The other customers were now staring at me. Some tried to approach me. But when they reached out to touch me a low growl escaped my mouth They backed away from me in fear. .  By now I could feel the sharp canine teeth in my mouth. Every sense was enhanced even touch. I felt a hand on my right shoulder I could already sense who it was. It was the girl who for some reason always smelled like sunflowers. She touched my hand slightly making me shiver. Her skin wasn't cold as the kids at school said. Instead, it felt like a ray of sunshine against my skin. I wanted to stay like this forever. But my bliss was soon interrupted by the sound of wrist breaking. I shouted in pain again. I knew I had to get away from her and from everybody else. I dropped my medicine and started running towards the door through my pain. When I got outside I stumbled against a car when I looked at my reflection I had yellow eyes. The woman in the car screamed and honked her car. "Damian!!!" I heard her yell. "This damned girl," I said slipping between voices. I got up from the car and ran into the woods. I stopped running when I knew she wouldn't find me. I dropped to the ground when I felt my leg break. I was now crying I just wanted the pain to stop. I felt a rib break and through the pain. I managed to get my phone. I dialed the first number I saw. I laid flat on my back while the phone was dialing. It rang four times and a part of me was hoping I was gonna get help. but all that died when I heard the phone click on the sixth ring. I was shocked and I looked at the number I had dialed. It was my mother's 

"What was I expecting," I thought. Then another thought popped inside my head. I picked to call stiles but on the second digit, my usable hand finally broke. And my arms jerked back-breaking. I cried out in pain and when the pain died down some I cried. I was writhing on the ground trying to stop the pain. And there was no one to help me. I was truly and utterly alone.


There are 206 different bones in the human body and so far only 17 were broken. At this point, I was crying hysterically. "Mom please". "Mom I'll be a good boy" "Mom I'm in pain". And that's when I felt the worst pain of them all. My spin breaking at once. I screamed out and this is the part where I wanted to die. That's when I thought I heard a voice in my head. I looked around but saw no one. "You need to concentrate on your breathing," the voice said. I could tell It was a British man's voice. For some reason, I listened to the voice and I slowed my breathing to the best of my ability. I heard more bones breaking. "The first time could take hours but only if you fight it". I let more bones break making me shake my head. "I can't do this im- I'm too weak," I said lowering my head. "No child of mine could ever be weak," the voice said. At this, my eyes snapped open and I looked around. "Who are you". "That doesn't matter right now. The pain will make you want to delay because you think that's all you can take". "Maybe it's right," I said. "No if you let it in, if you let it swallow you whole, then it can never break you" the voice replied. "Okay I trust you," I said. I finally let go and let the pain finally consume me. "When you're done run into the woods your friend will need your help". "Wait you're not staying," I said out loud "I will always be with you". The next time I opened my eyes I felt different I could see clearly in the dark. I looked down and saw I no longer had hands I had paws and my skin was covered in black. I took a deep breath of the woods around and let the cold air hit my fur.

 I took a deep breath of the woods around and let the cold air hit my fur

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