Chapter 4

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The next day when I woke up I lifted my arms and the bruises were gone. I sighed before lifting myself off the bed. I went to the bathroom and closed the door. When I got to school I was listening to my music when I saw Jackson shoving Scott against a locker. I approached them and shoved Jackson away from Scott. "The hell's your problem," I asked. He just glared at me before walking away. "You watch your back dumbass" he threatened. I looked at Scott and with a confused face. "What the hell was that about," I asked. "He wanted to know if I was using steroids" he replied. I sighed and shook my head. "Anytime anybody else shines to Jackson it's always a problem," I said. We started walking towards the field when styles came crashing into us. "Scott, Damien wait up," stiles said. "Stiles where have you been we're playing in the first elimination match," I said. "kay just hold on okay I heard my dad on the phone the fiber analysis came back from the lab in la they found animals hairs on the body from the woods," he said frantically. "Stiles we have to go," I said picking up my bag. "Wait hold on guys you're not going to believe what the animal was," he said. Running after us. I was already across the field when I heard him whisper. "It was a wolf". "Yo lupus come on" the coach called. I nodded my head and walked towards the circle on the field.  Scott spotted Allison in the crowd and she waved towards him. I tilted my head and wondered what I had missed. 

Scott put his hand in the air and smiled. "You got a question my call" "what" "your hands in here you got a question" "oh no I was just..uh nothing, never mind sorry," he said. Coach gave me a look to which I shrugged before turning back to the team. "Okay you know how this goes if you don't make the cut you're most likely bench the entire season you make the cut you play your parents are proud your girlfriend loves ya," he said shaking someone's helmet. "And everything else is cream cheese now get out there and show me what you got!!".  Everyone started yelling with excitement Everyone was divided into two teams. And the three of us were on the same team. The game started and we were going back and forth and eventually, I got the ball. I did a spin me but someone from behind me knocked me to the ground. I looked up at my attacker and saw three people all of them from Jackson's Entourage. I growled and got up from the ground. Next play Jackson and Scott got down on the ground. Winter whistle blue Scott grabbed the ball instantly. I was right by his side as he ran. He stayed behind me as I ran ahead and blocked people from getting to. We were about thirty meters from the goal and I saw Jackson's friends. I glared and tucked my shoulder in and ran at full speed. I plowed right into the three knocking them on the ground with a thud. Scott jumped over me and shot the goal.

The Crowd cheered loudly as others swarmed me and Scott on the goal. "McCall, Loup get over here" Coach yelled. "Now he gets my name right," I said. Scott and I walked over to him and took off her helmets. "What in God's name was that this is a lacrosse field what are you trying out for the gymnastics team," he asked. "No coach," Scott said. "Then what the hell was that". "I don't know I was just trying to make a shot" he nodded and looked at me. "What about you" I looked at the now limping player on the field and smiled. "I hold a grudge". "well your teamwork made the shot and guess what you two just made first line," he said. The crowd started cheering and I noticed all the way in the back was a blonde-haired girl smiling at me.


After school Stiles had called Scott and I to his house he said it was urgent. "By any chance do you know what this is about," Scott asked? "No clue but with Stiles, I'm bound to be surprised," I said before knocking on the door. Stiles opened his door and invited us in. We walked in the found paper of all kinds all over his floor. "What the hell," I said looking around the room. "I know I've been up all night reading websites books anything I can get my hands" "how much Adderall have you had today," Scott asked. "A lot" he replied. I chuckled and took a seat on his bed. "All right it doesn't matter just listen" "is this about the body they find out who did it" "no there's still questioning people even Derek Hale". "You mean a guy who's in the woods". "yes but listen that's not the point". "okay psycho what then," I said smiling. "remember the joke from the other day, not a joke anymore," he said worriedly. "what isn't," Scott asked. "The wolf the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading do you even know why a wolf house," he asked frantically. "to signal its location to the rest of the pack or another case the howl after losing a loved one" I started. They look at me curiously. "I read too jackasses," I said. "The point is if you two had a wolf howling then others could have been nearby maybe a whole pack of them," he said. "A whole pack of wolves," Scott said an aspiration. "No werewolves" Stiles corrected. Scott rolled his eyes and jumped up. "Are you seriously wasting my time with this you know I have to pick up Allison in an hour" he said.

 "listen I saw you two on the field today what you guys did wasn't just saying it was impossible," he said. "So I made a good shot" "no Scott you made an incredible shot," he said. "Scott listen let's at least here I'm out for what he has to say," I said. "Are you seriously believing this crap right now?" he asked me." Yeah you know what I might be it might give me some answers I don't know I was looking in the mirror last night and I can swear for a split second my eyes were glowing yellow" I said. "Listen, guys, I'm only going off what I know and I know your speed your reflexes your senses they're not normal. People can't just do this overnight" Stiles said. "Okay dude I can't think about this now how about we talk tomorrow," Scott said. "TOMORROW no tonight's the full moon don't you get it". "what are you trying to do I just made first line I have a date with a girl I can't believe I actually want to go out with me everything is perfect why are you trying to ruin it" "Scotty's just trying to help us because on the offense he is right it's a go badly for all of us," I said. "You two are cursed it is not the full moon that will just make you change and also happens to be when you're blood lust is that his peak" "bloodlust" "yeah the feeling of the urge to maim and kill" "I'm already starting to feel the urge to kill stiles"  "you have to hear this" started grabbing a book off his desk. "Change can be caused by anger or anything that races your blood pressure. And I haven't seen anyone raise your blood like Allison. You have to cancel this date," Stiles said. He walked around us and grabbed his bag opening it. "What are you doing" "I'm canceling the date," he said while holding the phone. At those words, I could feel the anger in the air when Scott ran at Stiles. 

"Hey no give it to me!!!!" He said. He grabbed Stiles by his shirt shoving him into a wall. Scott raised his fist and I ran over and grabbed Scott by the shirt before throwing him onto the bed. The both of us were breathing heavily as we stared at each other. When we finally calm down Scott realized his mistake and I looked back at Stiles to see he was still holding the wall. "I- I'm sorry," Scott said. "Yeah uh me too," I said rubbing the back of my neck. Scott picked up his phone off the ground and looked at us. "I have to get ready for that party," he said. When he got to the door he paused and looked back at us. "I'm sorry". And with that, he left. I picked my bag off the floor and started making my way towards the door to leave when Stiles called after me. "Yeah, what's up" he grabbed a stack of papers with a paper clip attached to it the title to the page. Cursed Wolves. "What is this," I asked confused. "If I'm right about what you are then you'll need it," he said. I nodded before leaving the house.

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