Chapter 1

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I sat in the back of the jeep and listened to my friends argue over which way to get to the woods. "Does anyone want to tell me why we are going to the woods in the first place?" I asked. "We might be going to find a dead body," Scott said scratching the back of his head. "You two thought it was a good idea to bring the guy that recently killed someone with a car to find a dead body," I asked. "Well technically it's only half a body-" "Stiles" Scott warned. "Look I'm sorry I didn't think it through". "As usual". I whispered. I could feel the air in the room turn cold for a second and I started to regret what I said. "Look guys I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin the night but I don't think I'm ready for this". "Listen I know you can't help but feel guilty about what happened but if you ever need us we're here for you," stiles said. I smiled at my friend and put a hand over my chest. "I'm touched cmere give Day-Day a kiss," I said leaning forward in my seat. Stiles started to scream as I got closer to his face. He then hit the brakes making me fly forward into the radio. I heard Scott trying not to laugh as I turned around and looked at them. I groaned loudly and touched my head. They looked at each other while smiling. Both started laughing at me making me glare. Stiles put his hands in the air in surrender. "Hey man, that was an accident". "Dick move Stilinski, dick move," I said. I climbed back into the backseats and put on. The rest of the ride week joked and laughed all the way until we pulled up to beacon hills Preserve. 

Stiles park the car and turned it off before sucking in a deep breath. "Listen we're not going to first force you to come with us you can wait here until we come back all right" I looked at the dark woods through the windshield and shivered. Something fell off about them tonight but I didn't know what. "Yea- Yeah," I said. They gave me a small smile and got over the car. They were probably a good 30 yards away from the Jeep when I hopped out of the car and slammed it shut. They're both whipped around and smiled before running towards me and pulling me into a hug.  "I don't understand what made you change your mind," Stiles asked excitedly. "WWXD," I said.  "What the hell does that mean," Scott asked confused. Stiles just chuckled and shook his head. "It means what would XXXTENTACION do," he said. "I don't understand what would a XXX whatever that name is do," Scott asked. "🎶 Mama raised a soldier not no bitch, not no bitch🎶" I said singing the lyrics. He looked at me with a weird look on his face making me laugh. "Don't worry Scotty it takes a special kind of person to listen to my type of music" I said walking past him.

We started walking through the woods when I decided to strike up a conversation.  "Are you guys going to try out for the team this year" "I am"Scott said happily. I just eyed before looking at stiles. We both kept silent and looked at him. "Come on guys don't look at me like that I am I swear," he said. "Sure buddy whatever you say," I said before starting to walk again. "Hey everyone should have a dream even if this is pathetically unrealistic," stiles said. I laughed loudly but stopped when Scott said. "Hey just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for". Stiles stopped and frowned. "Huh didn't think about that," he said walking forward. "And uh what if the killer is still out here," I asked worriedly. "Also something I didn't think about" he added. We started making our way up a steep hill and past some trees. "It's nice to have you plan this out with your usual span of attention to detail," Scott said. "I know," stiles said making his way to the top. Scott started to slow down and breathe heavier.  "You know maybe the severe asthmatic should be holding onto the flashlight," he said. I gave him a hand and he smiled and took and eventually we made our way on the top. She found styles on the ground looking at a search party. We both dropped to the ground next to stiles. A smile grew on his face before he jump to his feet. "Come on," he said running forward. We hopped to our feet and ran after him. "Hate it when he does that," I said while running. We called his name a couple of times but he didn't listen and proceeded to run forward. And in his foolishness accidentally ran into one of the deputies. Scott and I ducked behind trees to not get caught. 

"Should've just stayed home" I said to myself. I heard the voice of the sheriff and looks around the tree but duct right behind it when I saw a flashlight coming my way.  "Scott, Damien you out there!!" the sheriff yelled. After a second of silence, he sighed in defeat. "Well I'm going to walk you back to your car and me and you are going to have a conversation about the invasion of privacy," he said walking away with stiles in hand. When the deputies left we started making our way through the forest by ourselves. In the middle of our walk back we heard a wolf howl. Usually, it would be too dark to see without a flashlight but for some reason, I could see perfectly. We stop when we got to a clearing. Something was wrong with the woods ahead of us I didn't know what it was but I can feel it in there almost like a sixth sense. Scott took out his inhaler and when he was about to take a hit a group of deer came bursting out of the woods knocking us both to the ground. I saw flashes of deer run over my head. I groaned and sat up slowly. "Scotty you alright," I asked. "Yeah, you". "Peachy," I said standing to my feet.

"Oh, shit man" Scott cursed. "What". "I dropped my inhaler" I just sighed and pulled out my phone. I caught on the flashlight and started looking around and Scott did the same. We were looking in different parts. I heard Scott scream and fall down a Hill. I instantly ran to the ledge and looks for him. "Scott!!" I shouted.  "I'm here," he said. "You alright," I asked. "Yeah, Damien the body's up there," he said with a scared expression. I looked around and shined my light at where he was looking at. And I saw he was right. It was the upper half it looked as if she had been torn apart. I looked at the blood and suddenly I was stuck in a trance like something inside of me wanted that, it wanted all of it, every last drop. I kneeled down and was about to touch it when I heard a low growl from below me. I looked back over the edge and saw a giant bear-like creature running towards Scott. Its movements were so fast and it jumped onto Scott with such ferocity I barely had time to react. Scott screamed loudly making me snap out of it. I looked around for a weapon and only found a log. Somehow I pick up the giant log and yelled "hey". It looked at me and I almost froze when I saw its red eyes. I jumped off the hull and swung the giant log like a bat cracking it over the animal's head. It growled and threw me away before getting off Scott and running away into the darkness. The both of us got to our feet and started running through the forest. We both slipped a couple of times due to the slippery grass and leaves around us. We managed to find ourselves on our road but almost got hit by a car. It swerved around us and proceeded to where it was going. We started to catch our breath and I looked at Scott as he lifted up his hoodie to reveal a bite mark on his side. "Holy shit," I said. he dropped his shirt and looked at me. "Come on we gotta get out of here," I said.

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