Chapter 2

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I woke up to the loud noise of an alarm clock going off. I groaned at the noise and went to turn it off

After another ten minutes of sleep, I took the covers from my head and looked at the clock, and sighed

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After another ten minutes of sleep, I took the covers from my head and looked at the clock, and sighed. "Not this again," I said. I went to the bathroom and made sure to open the door carefully and close it. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After getting dressed. I stood in front of my mother's door to get my nerves under control. But I realized it was pointless and opened her door slowly. I was finally able to breathe again. I checked her air and saw it was almost empty I changed the tank and went downstairs to start to fix breakfast. It was nothing special just some boxed oatmeal. I left it on a nightstand with a glass of orange juice. I then grabbed my jacket and backpack and waited for the bus. I got on the bus I could feel everybody staring at me. I'm guessing they found out what happened that night. I grew angry at this and glared. "Fuck you guys looking at," I said. "Hey watch the language," the bus driver said. I huffed and took a seat. When we got to the school I spotted Scott showing Stiles bandage. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I approached them. "I hope you know public indecency is a crime," I said. "And there is the night in shining armor Scott told me how you took a leap of faith and saved his life," he said. "I didn't say he saved my life"be he said. I chuckled and looked at Scott. "Did you ever figure out what bit you?" I asked. "No it was too dark to see but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf," he said grabbing his bag. 

"A wolf bit you, no not a chance" stiles said. "We heard a wolf howling" I argued. "No you guys didn't" he insisted. "What do you mean no we didn't how do you know what we heard," Scott asked. "Because California doesn't have wolves" he replied. "Really," I asked. "Yeah not in like 80 years," stiles said. "Okay well if you don't believe it's about the wolf then you're definitely not going to leave us when I say we found the body last night," I said. A wide smile grew on his face as he looked at us. "What are you kidding me" "no I wish I'm going to have nightmares for months" "that is freaking awesome I mean seriously this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to this town since...since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia you look're going to ignore me". Lydia Martin The girl everyone wanted to be with including Stiles. Stiles has had a crush on Lydia since the third grade. Not that she cares hell she probably doesn't even know he exists. She walked right past him and into the school. "Ouch," I said. He turned back to Scott and I with a frown on his face. "You two are the cause of this you know. "Uh-huh," Scott replied. "Dragging me down to your nerd depths" he added. "Uh-huh," I said. "I've been Scarlett nerded by you guys". "You're a nerd by association," I said smiling.

We made it to our first class of the day and set and back.  "As you all know they're indeed was a body found in the woods last night," our teacher said. I turn the style so he smiled and gave me a wink. "And I am sure you're eager little minds are coming up with various conclusions as to what happened but I am here but I am here to tell you that the police already have a suspect in custody which means you can give your full undivided attention to this semester syllabus on your desk". There was a bunch of groaning and complaining that came next. I went to pick up my syllabus and examine it when a loud ringing of a cell phone into my ears. I looked around the class for the suspect but only to find everyone acting normally. The ringing continued and I looked at Scott to see he was hearing the same thing. Then a girl's voice came into my ears replacing the noise. "Mom three calls in a day is overdoing it don't you think. Yes, Mom, I have everything I need, everything except the pen please don't tell me that I forgot a pen okay okay got to go love ya" the girl said. I then looked at Scott to see he was looking out the window. I followed his gaze and spotted a girl sitting on the bench outside. I then watched as the principal approached her and shook her hand. "Sorry to keep you waiting, so you were staying in San Francisco isn't the place where you grew up," he asked "No but we were living there more than a year and then suddenly had to move" "Well hopefully beacon hills will be the last stop for a while," he said. I heard every footstep they made I could smell them from my seat to the hallway. They ended up walking into our class making everyone halt. "Class this is your new student Allison argent do your best to make sure she feels welcomed," he said. And with that, she made her way to an empty seat behind Scott. Scott immediately grabbed a pen from his binder and handed it to her. She smiled and thanked him for the pen.

After class Scott and I were getting our lacrosse gear from our lockers when a girl approached us. "So can someone tell me how new girl has been here and all of 5 seconds and she's already hanging out with Lydia's click" "she's hot how people hurt together," Stiles said. I rolled my eyes and started making my way to the field. I started walking down the hallway when some bumped into me. All of her pens and pencils along with her books fell out of her hand. "Hey watch it," I said angrily. "Sorry I'm sorry," she said in a whisper. There in front of me was a blonde-haired girl. She looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep in the last week and her hair was a mess. She kneeled down in front of me and as she picked up her things I could hear her heartbeat beating fast. I sighed and kneeled down and started helping her pick up her things. "No no you don't have to-" "it's fine all right I overreacted," I said. I could feel the stares and giggles coming from people. The girl looked like she was about to cry. "Don't cry" she looked at me shocked before saying. "How did you-" "If you cry that means you let them get to you and that they won, so don't cry". "Okay," she said sniffling. "What's your name," I asked. "Erica," she said softly. "Well next time be more careful," I said. She nodded. "Hey Erica you might want to watch out he could kill you if you let him get too close," one of Jackson's friends said laughing. The hallway went silent and I felt my friends walk up from behind me. But I stopped both of them and stood to my full height. "Weren't you the guy that got caught jacking off to the duck from Chicken Little?" I asked. Everyone in the hallway started bursting out laughing and pointing. The guy then made past me but not before bumping his shoulder into mine. he started making his way towards the field with the huff. Erica then stood up and stuck her hand out awkwardly. I raced around before taking the hand and shaking it. "Thank you for your help," she said before running down the hallway. "Yeah, don't mention it," I said. My friends patted my back and laughed as we made our way towards the field. 

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