Chapter 6

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I've heard the werewolf tale a thousand times plus I'm pretty sure everyone has seen Twilight at least once. The story goes you get bitten by a wolf and on the full moon, you turn into the creature. Never in a million years would I think I would be living the shit.

This feeling everything around me felt awesome. I could run as far as I wanted at any time. But still, a part of me felt incomplete. I didn't know what it was but I could feel it deep in my bones. I decided not to think too heavily about it. Instead, I wanted to focus on what the voice in my head told me. I started running through the woods at full speeds trying to find Scott. If he was a werewolf doesn't that mean he'll be out here too? I got to a clearing and fucked behind some bushes when I saw two SUVs. There were three middle-aged men with crossbows in their hands. They got into their trucks and started heading into the woods. Something told me to follow them. I was tailing them but came to a stop when the truck stopped. The whole time I was following them my nerves were on a ten I had never felt this amazing in this terrified I once in my entire life. I tried to shake off the feeling but it felt impossible. The guys got out of the truck and they all came into a circle. Even though they were so far away I could all hear them perfectly and Crystal clear like I was standing right beside them. "I'm pretty sure you all know why you're here from the report, multiple animal killings now we're not sure if there is a pack out here but there is I'll find it hunt it down. if you find werewolves out tonight they're either omegas with no pack or new betas going through their first transformation. okay, let's get out there going to four teams of three one heading north one heading south one heading east on one heading west. And one last thing we do this by the code understand,". They nodded and broke off and I had to make a split-second choice on which team to follow. I ended up following the leader that had a crossbow in his hand instead of a gun like the rest.

They were probably 47 minutes into the when the leader put his hand up making them all halt. He looked through his scope for a second before firing an arrow. The first arrow went into a tree making a bright light almost blinding me. I heard him fire another one but this time I heard a scream after it hit its target. After my vision recovered I saw the three guys run towards to look like a man with his arm impelled and the tree by the arrow. Then it hit me the familiar scent of ax body spray. In fact, it was so strong it made my nose burn. But there was only one person I know that uses that much body spray for no reason. Scott, I had completely forgotten about Scott and if he was like me. I looked in front of the Hunters and saw the person they shot it was definitely him. He had claws and long sideburns and his forehead looked different. if it weren't for his crooked jawline and the body spray I would have never guessed it. But that wasn't the point I had to do something but what could I possibly doing this situation. The Hunters started approaching him I had to do something but what. That was when Stiles's words played back in my head.  "Do you even know why wolves howl"? "To signal the location to the rest of the pack," I thought. I looked at the sky felt the air in my body leave my lungs. It sounded like there were six of me as it echoed around the woods. I was in love with this power already I was soon interrupted by gunshots. I managed to not get hit but I had to quickly hide somewhere. "Fan out, find it," the guy said. I hid underneath a tree with the roots sticking up.  I steadied my breathing when I heard footsteps coming towards me. The guy was now in front of with his gun. I faintly heard a low growl only it wasn't from me. Suddenly a scream ripped through the air and there was the sound of gunshots. The man in front of me was freaking out now and it wasn't before long I watched as he was lifted from the ground with ease. He screamed in fear and just as fast as it came it was gone. I got out of my hiding spot but Scott was already gone. I was scared and tired. I just wanted to go to sleep so without a second thought, I ran far away from the sight and somewhere to rest for the night.


The next morning I woke up to birds chirping and the wind blowing a light breeze. I looked around and saw I was back in my human form. I stood up to full height and notice I was naked. To a normal human, they would be going into hypothermia but  First covered most of my body and for some odd reason I was ok with this. This made a question pop into my head. "Am I a nudist?" I asked. Knowing I wasn't gonna get an answer I shrugged it off and started walking to find my clothes. After about 40 minutes of me walking around the woods, I found my clothes would it look like some animals had got to them before I did because they were scattered everywhere. My shirt was torn to shreds and my jacket was missing but at least I still had my pants, wallet, and phone. After I put my pants on my phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID to see it was Stiles. "Hello". "Damien!! Hey man I was trying to call you all last night, are you okay," he said worriedly. "I think so. Hey can you do me a favor I can really use a-" "I'm already on my way I'm tracking your phone location right now," he said. I smiled and shook my head. "You're always one step ahead of me Stiles," I said. I heard him laugh on the phone I knew he had a smirk on his face.  "Yeah don't get too cocky because one day I'll outthink you Stilinski," I said. "Mhhm don't count on it buddy," he said. It wasn't long before he pulled up beside me. I opened the door and sighed. "Jesus christ your dirty what did you do roll around in the dirt" he exclamied. I thought back about what transpired last night before tilting my head and nodding. "Kinda," I said. After our conversation, we saw Scott walking down the street clutching his arm. We drove up beside him and he hopped in the backside. 

It was a comfortable silence until scott spoke up. "You actually know what the worst part is" "here we go" I said rolling my eyes "If you say Allison I'm going to punch you in the head" stiles said. "She probably hates me now" he said pitying himself. "No Scott I'm pretty sure the hunters that shot you with an arrows hate you"I said. Stiles eyes widen as he stared at us. "I didn't but he did" I said. "So the hell last night that was you" Scott asked. I nodded making him chuckle. "I don't know I just knew I had to do something" I said. "See Allison's least of your worries I doubt she hates you" I said. "But you might want to come up with a pretty good apology, or you could just tell her the truth and reveal in the awesomeness of the fact that you two are freaking werewolves" Stiles said enthusiastically. "Sometimes the stiles I wish I had your optimism" I said. "Okay bad idea". I looked at Scott's face as he looked sad by the circumstances. "Hey we'll get through this all right" I said in a comforting tone. "What he said if need be I'll change you two up on the full moon so you don't try kill each other"  stiles said.

Later that day after school I was in my lacrosse gear getting my bags out my locker when I caught a familiar scent. I turned around and there before me stood the blonde haired girl. "Hello" I said flashing her a smile. She looked away and bit her nail a bit. "Hi" she said softly. "Did you get the medicine that you needed" I asked. "Yes thank you and my mom wanted me to give this to you". She didn't reached in her pocket and pulled out $50 bill and it held it out to me. "Keep it I have enough money anyway" I lied. "Wait what usually people except a 50 doller bill without hesitation" she said. "Well I'm not most people. Let's just put as a favor from a friend" I said. "Is that what we are now" she asked. My smile faded as I looked at her. "I mean only if you want to be. Not trying to force you to anything" I said frantically. She giggled making my heart jump. "So would you like to be friends with me" I asked. "I think I would like that" she said. I stuck my hand out for her to shake. "Hi I'm Damian, Damian loup". She smiled and grabbed my hand and shook it. "Hi Damian I'm Erica, Erica Reyes" she said. We talked until we got outside. We heard a car horn blow in our direction. "I've got to go that's my mom over there" she said. I smiled and waved to which her mother smiled and waved back. "I'll talk to you later" she said walking away. "I'll be looking forward to it Reyes" I yelled out to her. They drove off and I looked to my right to see Scott talking with Allison. Your conversation ended in is she walked to her ride. I was about to walk back into school when I caught another scent. I turned around to see a man but it wasn't just a man it was the leader of hunters from last night. Scott was looking in the same direction and wave to him. The man only smiled at him before getting back into his SUV. I walked over and stood by Scott. "You just see the same thing I did" I asked. "Uh-huh" he replied. "We're totally screwed aren't we" I asked again. "Uh-huh" he said.

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