1. Love is clichè

62 11 30

Ruthless, popular, misunderstood, yet charming.

Whenever he enters a room, he becomes the center of attention.
It's not because of the way he looks or how he wants to be perceived as.

He's just eye catching. One glance is enough to scare one away or make one stay.

His name appears in the rumors and papers. He's the talk in town.

That doesn't bother him. He gets what he wants. It always was that way, until he met her.

Intelligent, fierce, a side character and innocent.

His total opposite.

Her eyes are glued on the written pages even when he enters the room. She doesn't mind being the outcast and rarely gets hit on.

People are confused when they see them as they are complete opposites.

Yet that is what pulls them together.

Their indifference makes them interesting.

Love is fascinating isn't it? You know how the story goes.

And it all started with a simple, " Hey "

Without any warnings they developed a thing we call a 'miracle'...

From strangers to enemies, then best friends to great lovers.

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