10. Lies

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Why do we have to lie,
when we know it's going to clear up eventually?

Why do you lie?

It doesn't matter how hard you try, you know it's never going to work?

Even if it hasn't cleared up on it's own, you'd live with the grief as the lie haunts you everytime.

Are you aware of that?

Or are you using the same method to push away that feeling?

What method you ask?

Lying to yourself.

Saying it will be alright.

Yeah, I doubt that.

We lie to keep us safe and not get hurt.

But why?

Can't we be direct and honest for even once?

Lies are like cancers in the soul and the reason why we can't live peacefully.

Stop fooling yourself.

Stand up and face your problems.

Don't create a bigger problem.

Stop lying to whom you love.

You wouldn't want to be lied too, right?...

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