6. Hope

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When times get rough,
We cling to something
called, "Hope"

Cold, foggy and dark.

The snowflakes were falling down, touching the ground and melting away.

It's winter. A year from now, he confirmed as he stared up the dark sparkling sky.

It seemed like it was just yesterday. The night they went apart. She was his everything.

She left before the fireworks could even spark. They'd meet in the same spot mainly the top of a building. Stare at the sky together.

He met her on a winter evening. It was coincidence. He thought to be alone, but she was there staring up already. When she noticed him she smiled, "Hey! Do you want to watch the fireworks with me? "...

Today would be the first time he'd be alone.

People were chattering and laughing below him. The city was filled with lights. Everyone seemed joyful.

He spot couples walking hand in hand, flirting and kissing. It broke his heart. He missed her warmth.

" A new year without her... ", he whispered to himself as he wiped the first tear drop from his eyes.

" I won't cry! ", he demanded to himself and tried to keep a straight face.

But as soon as the first firework popped out the sky, he fell on his knees.

Life wasn't fair. He had everything he could ask for and yet it suddenly drifted away.

What's worse is that he can't blame anyone else. It was the illness that took her.

He couldn't find the strength to move on. Despite the letter she gave him.

The words were: " Thank you for everything. I want you to be just as happy as you made me. - Love me "

He just couldn't be happy with out her.

" Are you alright? ", he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

As he looked up with teary eyes, he saw her.

She sent him a comforting smile, " I saw you all alone here. Thought I could keep you company. "

He carefully stood up, rubbing his eyes. She looked exactly like her for a moment. It made him want to hug her, yet he didn't.

It wasn't her...

" I'm alright. ", he muttered and tried to hide his disappointment.

On his way out the door he heard her call for him, " Hey! D-Do you want to watch the fireworks with me? "

Her words! , he gulped.

It seemed like decades when he last heard that phrase.

A sudden warm feeling surrounded him as he stared at the stranger smiling back at him.

Can I hope?, he asked the sky with a small smile on his face.

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