11. Sad boy

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He thought he would
never be enough.
And he was right.

Somewhere in this messed up planet, we call earth, lives a boy isolated by the rest.

Never did he dare to step out and embrace the world.

He was too smart, knowing it would be the death of him if he did.

What he did not know was the fact that he was being eaten alive.

Not by the creatures in this world.

No much worse than that.

It is something he could not defeat.

Something he could not share with the rest.

They would take advantage of it.

For years he tried his best to keep it to himself.

A born secret, concelead for his own safety.

He's starving and yearning for  physical touch.

Just a glimpse of emotional connection was also enough.

The bastards would make use of him if he gave in.

He would rather avoid the crucial abuse.

Now who was to blame for the evil sensation within him?

It was a fight he could not win.

He would die either way.

How can one survive?

The answer is, one simply does not.

One takes the risk, even if it kills him.

But that's where you get the thrill of living.

"You have to live."

But the boy did not know this.

He remained the sad boy, being eaten alive.

Inside out.

By his own mind and own hearts content...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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