4. Too late

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(Trigger Warning!)

Right person.
Wrong timing.

" I want to die... "

That sentence has been haunting her for years now. She tried seeking for help, but all she ever got was:

" You're overreacting!"

" Stop being such an attention-whore! "

" Then die already? Lol? "

But they don't understand her one bit. She learned to keep those thoughts on her own.

Each day it grows worse but whom shall she seek help for?

Nobody understands.

And what's worse is that she can't tell them... why.

She has abusive parents. They hated her for everything she was.

Her friends were all she had but even they drifted away. She can't call them for help as...

She was sexually abused by her best friend's boyfriend.

They were a perfect couple. Everyone envied them.
And she didn't want to destroy that image by telling her friend the truth.

It happened on a party. When they were alone. She drank too much and before she could snap out of it, he had her.

People had various assumptions on her as she became quiet each day.

Until she stopped socializing with people.

She hated it. She hated herself...

The only reason why she kept pushing forward was to prove it she was strong enough, even when she was slowing dying each day.

No one smiled at her, except for the younger boy who lived across her. A boy who didn't seem different from her.

Same age, same gloomy look and the same stares.

They never spoke a word to each other, just waved when they had the chance to.Smiles were rarely exchanged but that because they were too shy.

But who gives a damn?

That boy will lose interest as soon as he gets to know my story, she thought.

Just like everyone else.

But she didn't know that he was in danger himself.

His parents didn't care about him and he never made friends. He was always called an outcast and  would get beat up by the jerks in high school.

He hated himself more than she'll ever know.

He'd rarely send the weird girl a smile as she reminds him of himself.

Maybe we could be great friends, he secretly hoped but then shrug it off with, no, she'd hate me for sure. Just like the rest.

One day she decided to make an end to it. She had enough.

Her eyes were dry from all the crying and her body wasn't trembling as she stepped up the bridge.

She was ready.

Ready to make it all an end.

" This is it then... ", she shut her eyes and let herself go.

Little did she know, the boy jumped at the same time in the other end of the bridge.

Pure coincidence.

Both never spoke a word, nor do they know each other.

It could have turned the other way around, if only they took the chance to talk.

They'd be alive... together.

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