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Horiuchi sighed, clutching the letter in his hand as he sat on his bed. Hope's Peak Academy. He couldn't really believe it. Hope's Peak was where the best of the best went. Ultimates, if you could call them that. And they considered Horiuchi an Ultimate. He felt mind blown, having been up for the past two hours getting ready, dressed in his gray shirt and black sweatpants, green sneakers double-knotted. He felt along his collarbone for the golden chain he wore around his neck to the small charm, the golden H laying on his chest as he looked in the mirror, emerald green eyes shining back at him. He looked at the clock. 7:30. He grabbed the brown jacket he wore, slinging it around his shoulders and taking off, rushing from his house and down the street, tucking the letter in his pocket alongside his phone. He ran down the sidewalk, humming a soft tune to himself.

He smiled. This was the place where he was meant to be as an Ultimate. He looked at the letter one last time as he ran, running a hand through his spiky orange hair.

Dear Mr. Yoshiro

It is our great honor to invite you to Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Weapon Master. We do hope you find our accommodations successful.

Sincerely, your principal.
Makoto Naegi

Horiuchi laughed softly, but the screech of tires drew his attention, and he stopped. That was exactly what they wanted. A black van had rolled up beside him, door flung open as several masked people reached out to grab him before he could defend himself. As soon as he was pulled into the van, a strange smell hit him, and he collapsed, falling into darkness.


Horiuchi groaned as his eyes opened. Instead of laying on cold concrete, he was now laying on a tiled floor.

"Mornin', cutie pie." Said an unfamiliar voice.

A boy with tanned skin was leaning above him, black hair shocked with blue dye falling over his face, blue eyes shining with mischief, smirking slightly. Horiuchi yelped, pushing himself up and accidentally knocking the boy on the nose.

"Ouch!" The boy leaned back.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Horiuchi said frantically, trying to reassure the boy. "I didn't mean to do that. You just startled me."

"Oh, it'll be fine." The boy said, holding his nose as he looked at Horiuchi. "I didn't need my schnoz anyway."

Horiuchi snorted at the boy's humor, standing up and extending a hand to the boy. "I'm sorry, again." The boy took his hand and Horiuchi pulled him up. "Heh. I've been trying to wake you for a little while now. I'm Rano Oregiki, by the way. I'm the Ultimate Guitarist."

"I'm Horiuchi Yoshiro. I'm the Ultimate Weapon Master." Horiuchi replied as Rano brushed the dirt from his black sweater.

"Ooh, you should probably read that, cutie." Rano said as he pointed to a piece of paper that lay on one of the desks. Horiuchi picked it up, eyes scanning it. "Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked. "Because, how can I not compliment someone as fine as you?" Rano said, snickering as Horiuchi turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Joking. Read the note."

Students are to report to the main hall by 8. Please be on time.

Your principal.

Horiuchi looked at the clock. "Holy- we should go." The clock read 8:00, and Horiuchi had just woken up. "Yeah, we should." Rano said. The smaller boy took Horiuchi's hand and took off. "Hey! Geez, you're fast." Rano ignored his protests, heading to the main hall, pushing the doors open. Suddenly, the pair were assaulted by several voices.

Danganronpa Negative: Game Of Despair (A Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now