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"It's a shame." Goya said, shaking his head.

"Truly." Chino said.

"Well. I suppose we'll have to investigate." Goya looked to Horiuchi, who nodded.


"What happened?" Horiuchi asked.

"Goya invited me to train with him when he heard me say that I was lacking in strength yesterday by swimming, as neither of us did yesterday." Jennifer said. "We woke up early, and encountered Chino who had woken up to go to the bathroom. We saw him come out of his room. He offered to supervise, and we went to the pool, where we found the body a few minutes ago."

>Truth Bullet: Jennifer's Testimony

"Alright. So by that logic, Jennifer, Goya, and Chino all have alibis."

Horiuchi pulled out his notebook to check the Monokuma file.

The victim is Yua Aiko, the Ultimate Hairdresser.

Time of death is around 4:12 am.

The victim was found in the pool room at 8:38 am.

The cause of death was two blows to the back of the head with an object.

>Truth Bullet: Monokuma File

Horiuchi leaned down to examine Yua's body. A mark lay across her head, long and thin, as if made by a slim object. Her body was wet from the stomach up, as if she'd fallen in the pool partially.

>Truth Bullet: Yua's body
>Truth Bullet: Wet clothes
>Truth Bullet: Mark on head

"What is this?" Horiuchi said as he spotted something under her body. He grabbed it, and tugged. Yua's body flipped over to reveal her hands were tied behind her back with what looked to be a firefighter's hose. He looked up at Jennifer, whose face had darkened. "That went missing last night. I checked my lab yesterday and today before heading here, and it was gone today."

>Truth Bullet: Missing Fire Hose

"Hold on." Ide's voice came from behind him. "Kenshi was with us last time, and they were the culprit."

"True. Monokuma, can you confirm this?" Horiuchi said.

"Oh, sure!" Said Monokuma suddenly. "The culprit is not counted in a body discovery. How can you discover a body you made?"

>Truth Bullet: Culprit Clause

"Alright. I'm gonna take a look around." Horiuchi said, standing up.
He went over to the locker rooms, where he saw puddles in front of both the boy's and girl's locker rooms. He looked over to the others and quickly grabbed Emily. "Can I ask something of you?"

"Sure. Anything to get this done."

"I need you to check the girl's locker room. I can check the boy's." Horiuchi said, waving his notebook in front of the scanner, before pushing open the door. The puddles tracked in, all the way to a locker. He read the nameplate on the locker.

Chino Yokoyama

He opened the locker to see Chino's swimsuit, still slightly wet.

"The puddles don't track in here!" He heard Emily call from behind him. Horiuchi walked out. "They did in here. Someone must have done it to mislead us."

>Truth Bullet:Wet Puddles
>Truth Bullet: Chino's Swimsuit
>Truth Bullet: Boy's Locker Room

Ikari had walked up to the two, looking put off. "Jen informed me that she lost a fire hose. I went to my lab to see if anything went missing. Someone took a hockey stick."

"Okay. Do you have an alibi for last night?"

"I do. Vixen and I had a little sleepover." She said, giving a small smile. "She stayed with me until we went to breakfast this morning. Several other people were there. Emily, Ouchi, Kenjari, and Ide."

>Truth Bullet: Missing Hockey Stick
>Truth Bullet: Ikari's Alibi

"Okay. I found something in the locker rooms." He said, and explained finding Chino's wet swimsuit in a locker.

"Okay. That's a little suspicious." Emily said.

"I wonder, did she want to go to breakfast early? Or go to the bathroom?" Horiuchi asked.

"I think that was what happened."
Ikari said. "Follow me, y'all." She led the two over to a bloodstain on the wall opposite the pool door. "My guess is the culprit got the jump on her, knocking her out." Ikari said.

"Oh, yeah. There's more here."
Said Ide. The boy pointed to several drops of blood, heading towards the pool. The water was also tinted slightly.

>Truth Bullet: Bloodstain on Wall/Floor
>Truth Bullet: Tinted Pool Water

"Now we find out everyone's alibis." Horiuchi said.

"I have one. I was in the cafeteria." Emily said.

"I was in my room with Jennifer. We woke up early for training." Goya said.

>Truth Bullet: Goya's Testimony

"I stayed in my room till breakfast." Ide said.

"I did not wake up until I heard the announcement." Said Jira, who was standing nearby.

Horiuchi nodded to him. "Alright. Can anyone attest to that?"

Jira shook his head. "Was just me."

"Ooh, which reminds me. Why did you and Rano come out of the same room? Were you two busy getting it on?" Ide said, planting a hand on his hip as he smirked at Horiuchi, eyes moving from him to Rano.

"I had trouble sleeping last night." Rano said, looking down. "I kept remembering Kenshi."

Ide's smirk fell slightly, and he nodded.

"Horiuchi was nice enough to keep me company." Rano continued.

Yeah, last night. Horiuchi thought, although he kept drifting to a specific part of last night.

"Ah, right. I'm sorry for assuming." Ide said, his crude tone subdued.

"It's fine." Rano replied.

Horiuchi turned around and walked over to the trash can, looking for anything that had been disposed. And as luck would have it, two broken pieces of a hockey stick lay in the garbage, the blade bloodied.

>Truth Bullet: Bloody Hockey Stick

Horiuchi turned around to tell Rano and Ide what he had found, but he was cut off by the intercom.

"Attention students! The second Class Trial is ready to begin! Everyone, please proceed to the elevator on the first floor." Said Monokuma.

Horiuchi sighed, and the students filed out to the elevator. They were now down a classmate.

"Let's go, let's go, kids! Time to find a killer." Monokuma said.

The elevator began to descend. After a few minutes, the doors opened, and the courtroom reappeared into view.

"We're doing this again?" Rano asked quietly.

"Unfortunately." Horiuchi said grimly.

"Welcome, kiddos!" Monokuma said.

"Let's begin your second class trial!"



Word count: 1079 words.

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