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Truth Bullets

Monokuma File
Bloody Hammer
Ide's Account
Jen's Account
Horiuchi's NG Code
NG Code Violation
Missing Gold Bracelet
Evidence Of A Struggle
Kitchen Knife
Ouchi Fought Back (?)
Bloodstained Room
Ikari's Innocence
Notes of Past Games
Chino's Testimony/Alibi
Horiuchi's Gift
Rano's Gift
Jennifer's Gift
Ide's Gift
Emily's Gift
Kenjari's Gift
Chino's Gift
Ikari's Gift
Second Door
Working Key
Yasari (?)
Horiuchi's Past
Mastermind Room
Strange Machine
Construction Desk
Monokuma Units
Death Board
Morgue Door
Chino's Explanation
Iron Plates on Windows
The eight students looked around, before taking their podiums.

"So, I guess this is it." Kenjari said.

"Yes." Jennifer said. "Well then. I suppose we get this show on the road."

Ikari jammed her hockey helmet onto her head.

Horiuchi nodded.

Our last trial...

To decide our life or death...

Today, we reveal...

The mastermind behind this game!

[Class Trial: Start! All Rise!"

"Now then." Monokuma began again. "I'll remind you of the rules here. During this trial, you will discuss the murder, present your arguments, and vote on 'whodunnit'! If you vote correctly, the culprit will be punished. If you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone besides the culprit, and they will earn the right to leave Hope's Peak! However..."

Monokuma took a breath, before continuing. "This is a special case! Today, our final eight figure out the mastermind behind this game of doom! They represent their little band of merry idiots of Hope, while I represent Despair! If they figure out who the mastermind is, the mastermind will end the game! If they don't, they all die in a summary execution! If they all vote for hope, then the game ends. If just one of them turns the tables and stays on the side of despair, they all die!"

"How do we know you'll keep your word?" Rano asked. "How do we know that you'll end the game?"

"I promise." Monokuma smiled, standing up. "I promise on my life. If I don't reveal myself, I die. Well, I'll die anyways. But as it is..." Monokuma sat back down.

"Let the final class trial begin!"


"Well, this is gonna be different than other trials." Kenjari said.

"Yeah. So where do we start?" Ikari asked.

"I have a theory I wanna get out of the way first." Emily said.

"Then let's get it out of the way." Rano said.

[Nonstop Debate-Begin!]

"Okay, so when everything happened, with the gifts and all that, Horiuchi mentioned the key that had his brother's initials on it..." Emily said.

"Where are you going with this?" Horiuchi asked.

"I'm thinking, even though it was disproved...could your brother Yasari be the mastermind?" Emily asked.

Danganronpa Negative: Game Of Despair (A Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now