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Truth Bullets

Monokuma File
Time Of Death
Spilled Protein Drink
State Of Body
Cyanide Bottle
Antidote Bottle
Protein Container
Ikari's Account
Emily's Account
Stool Blocking Door
Ide's Condition
The students once again took their seats at their podiums. Horiuchi sighed, seeing Goya's new portrait at the podium. The feeling of despair returned to him. There was a mastermind among them, but he couldn't focus on that now. He had to focus on finding Goya's killer.

For everyone's sake.

Goya's dead.

I can't even believe it.

Someone like him, dying.

It's time to get answers, one way or the other.

[Class Trial-Start! All Rise!]

"Now then." Monokuma began again. "I'll remind you of the rules here. During this trial, you will discuss the murder, present your arguments, and vote on 'whodunnit'! If you vote correctly, the culprit will be punished. If you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone besides the culprit, and they will earn the right to leave Hope's Peak!"

"Okay, now let's get started." Emily said.

"I wasn't here. Too busy dying to know what the hell was going on." Ide said.

"Then let's fill you in." Kenjari said.

[Nonstop Debate-Begin!]

"Okay, so, I didn't get a chance to see the Monokuma File, but Emily said something about a bottle of poison." Ide said. "Could that have been it?

[Truth Bullet-Monokuma File]

"There's something wrong with that!" Horiuchi said.


"No, unfortunately. It says he died from an extreme allergic reaction. To what, we don't know." Horiuchi said.

"Let's tackle that next." Jennifer said.

[Nonstop Debate-Begin!]

"But how did he have an allergic reaction?" Rano asked.

"Maybe the culprit asked him to try something." Emily suggested.

"And they could have talked to him for a while before doing so." Kenjari said.

[Truth Bullet-Emily's Account]

"There's something wrong with that!" Horiuchi interjected.


"No, actually. Emily, Rano, me, and a few others can account for this. We saw Goya a few minutes before he was found. That means the culprit only had a few minutes to kill him."

"How many minutes though? That can shorten the time window." Ouchi asked.

Let's see...Horiuchi thought, but he was answered immediately before finishing.

Danganronpa Negative: Game Of Despair (A Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now