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After the trial, everyone agreed that they had to have at least a day off after the insanity of Monokuma almost executing Ikari. Everyone took it differently, first apologizing to Ikari, obviously, to which she retorted she would have died if not for them. Now, everyone had fully agreed to investigate after the day after the trial.

But they had so much free time in the day and they had to keep it interesting, which now led to this.

Clang! Clang!

Steel blades crossed as Horiuchi and Kenjari crossed swords. Kenjari's sword was no longer hanging from his shoulder, the sheath laying on the bleachers in Horiuchi's lab, with Horiuchi himself taking a sword from the wall after Kenjari had proposed a duel.

"Damn, I wish I was recording this!" Ide called from the bleachers, arm wrapped around Emily. The two had become extremely close after Ide had saved Emily from the falling debris, forming a sort of brother-sister bond. Ikari was sitting next to them.

The steel swords were broken as Kenjari stumbled backwards, before tossing a kunai at Horiuchi.

A quick flourish of the blade from Horiuchi had the dagger falling to the ground.

"You're good." Kenjari said, slipping into an attacking stance.

"They call me the Ultimate Weapon Master for a reason." Horiuchi said, implanting the blade in the ground and leaning on it tauntingly. "Show me why they call you the Ultimate Ninja."

Kenjari let out a low laugh. "Well then! Let's give our audience a show." He moved forward as Horiuchi yanked the sword from the ground and slipped into a defensive stance. The blades clashed again as Horiuchi stood firm against Kenjari, before pushing him away and throwing a sweep kick, which barely missed and made Kenjari step back.

Horiuchi immediately pressed the advantage, striking at Kenjari repeatedly with the sword.

Kenjari raised his in defense, but he suddenly lashed out, making Horiuchi's blade fall to the floor. Kenjari raised his to Horiuchi's neck.

"Look at that." Kenjari said as he began to move around Horiuchi, directing him with the blade. They turned in a half circle as Kenjari continued to hold the blade there. "I think I win this bout."

"You underestimate my hand to hand combat skill." Horiuchi said, moving forward and striking the pressure point in Kenjari's wrist, making him drop the sword.

Rano gasped next to Jennifer and Chino as Kenjari recoiled and threw a front kick. Horiuchi blocked, before throwing a kick of his own, before spinning and throwing a second, chaining into a third kick. Kenjari blocked all as Horiuchi moved to pick up his sword and Kenjari's, but Kenjari struck him across the face, sending him tumbling backwards and into a crouch, both swords in his hand. Kenjari drew a second kunai, however he wasn't prepared with what Horiuchi did next.

The orange-haired boy sprinted forward, and with a gigantic leap, catapulted up and over Kenjari in a front flip, before landing and sweep-kicking him down. Kenjari fell to the floor, and turned just in time for Horiuchi to plant a shoe on his chest and push him back down, pointing both swords at him.

"I win." Horiuchi said with a victorious smile as Kenjari groaned, throwing his head back into the training mat. Horiuchi dropped one of the swords and extended a hand to him, removing his foot as he did so.

Kenjari took it and Horiuchi helped him up with a chuckle.

"That was something." Kenjari said as Horiuchi handed him back his sword. "It was."

"Ay! Don't be hitting on Blue's boyfriend, Master Wu!" Ide said with a snicker.

Kenjari rolled his eyes as he stored his sword and swung it along his back, before picking up his kunai. "I'm not."

Danganronpa Negative: Game Of Despair (A Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now