Team Building

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Third person P.O.V

It has been a month since the girls went on their mountain journey and their confusing feelings still lingered on and even amplified as they spent more time together.

Today was the annual team building competition.

A friendly competition that test how much you truly knew, trusted and understood your roommate.

There were three challenges:

1. A friendship quiz.
2.Trust fall.
3. A three-legged race.

The key is teamwork and cooperation.

Naturally, Anne and Marcy entered the contest as they thought it would be a fun activity for them to do that would strengthen their bond.

"Are you ready, Marcy?" Anne asked her friend.

"I sure am!" Marcy replied with much excitement and cheerfulness.

For the first challenge, the two had to sit in down in chairs on tables parallel from each other and answer the answer they think on the paper.

In total they were ten teams of two.

"Alrighty you kids! Welcome to this camp's fifth annual team building contest!" the announcer/camp director shouted.

He paused as the excited crowd of campers shouted in excitement for the event.

"First up, we have friendly quizzes!
Let's see how much you truly know you're partner!"

Anne and Marcy exchanged glances with each other slyly.

"Okay, let me explain the rules of this challenge really quickly. So basically I ask a question and you guys have to write down the answer about it's truly a thing that your friend does. Then, we compare both of your answers to see if it's right! If one of you write the wrong answer then you're out! Now, you could cheat and lie, but were is the fun in that?"

The crowd booed at that.

"Did everyone get it?" he asked.

All of the campers nodded their heads.

"Then let's begin! We're starting off easy!"

The crowd cheered on with excitement.

"First question! What is your partner's favourite colour?"

Both Anne and Marcy's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Well, Anne's favourite colour is obviously blue! She's calm and gentle like the ocean!" Marcy thought confidently.

"If Marcy would like any colour it would have to be green!
She's super smart and cool!"

"Alright, times up! Let's see those answers!"

The director went to the teams of two, one by one and two teams were already eliminated.

He finally reached the familiar girls and asked them to reveal their answers to each other.

Anne's paper said green.

Marcy's paper said blue.

Both their eyes shined in happiness as they hoped that the other would get the question right.

"Aww, Marcy!?You remembered that my favourite colour was blue?"

"Of course! You only mention it all the time!" Marcy chuckled.

"I'm just happy you remembered my favourite colour!"

"I always listen to you Mar-Mar!
All the time!" Anne gently told.

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