Chapter 9

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A few weeks later

Thomas was cooking breakfast for Minho. Minho was very sleepy from the night before his ass hurt him but he was sitting at the table waiting for his breakfast that Thomas was going to provide to him.
"Good morning sleepyhead." Thomas said as he saw Minho out of the corner of his eyes.

"Mhpf." Minho replied still half asleep. He walked over to the table and sat on one of the chairs laying on his arm.

"How you feeling?"


"Lovely." Thomas responded walking over to the table with Minho's breakfast.

The two ate in silence, enjoying the other's company. Minho looked up at Thomas drinking in the sight. His honey brown eyes and beautiful face as the sun hit him just right. This was perfect, exactly what he had always dreamed of. A lovely person to love him no matter what always seeing the good, accepting the bad.

"I love you." Minho said, still starring . Thomas looked up and met his gaze.

He smiled and said "I love you too." And for once Minho believed that he was in love. This dumb boy ran straight into his heart and never left. Even after everything they had ever been through, Minho still felt the same about this dumb brunette. The same flutter as when they had first met and all the times after that. Now this dumb boy was sitting in a kitchen telling him "I love you" with complete sincerity.

Thomas got up and started clearing the table after their lovely breakfast. Minho was still daydreaming thinking of all the ways that he loved Thomas. After everything was put away Thomas turned on some music and urged his new boyfriend to dance with him in the living room they swayed and moved to the rhythm as if it was second nature. They hugged and kissed, and just embraced each other to the fullest.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Did I ever tell you beautiful people how much I love you all thank you so much for reading this kinda dumb story that I started on a whim. Now here we are I hope you like the end. It was a ride and I have learned so much along the way 3 years of school have gone by since I started it and now we are done. I love you all, let me know if you guys want one-shots of this ship. Any way you are all my favorite people :) <3
327 words


Running into my heart (Minho x Thomas) Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now