Chapter 2

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On the way to town all Minho could think of was how much he wished he could be with Thomas but that was just some dumb fantasy right? Thomas would never love him. Thomas is as straight as a board.

Once they got there Thomas got out and stretched. They had parked under a tree in the town's park. It was a beautiful sunny spring day the wind blew and lightly shook the trees. Thomas should have brought a sweatshirt though he was very cold.

"Did you forget a coat Thomas?" Minho asked with a knowing look. Recently Thomas had been forgetting all kinds of things not even for the 2 weeks but for months now. Thomas had even forgotten his own birthday.

"Maybe." Thomas replied looking very guilty as Minho threw him a jacket. As Thomas put the light blue jacket on Minho stared at his crush wishing that they could be together.

Thomas and Minho walked through the Town and looked at all the little shops. Thomas saw something that Brenda would like, a lot of things actually. Minho dragged Thomas along once he noticed that he was thinking of Brenda. Once they got into the car Minho looked at Thomas and saw him looking at pictures of Brenda and her new boyfriend Gally.

"What are you doing? The point of this trip was so you would forget about Brenda and not think of her more." Minho said sighing knowing that there was definitely no way to distract Thomas from something on his mind. Thomas looked up from his phone, there were tears in his eyes from some of the built up sadness he had from the past few weeks.

"I can't help it, I just love her so much." Thomas replied with tears falling from his eyes slowly. Thomas and Minho looked at each other for a minute. Minho decided that that was enough adventuring for the day and they should head back to Thomas's house. 

The whole car ride was silent, not one of them dared to say a single word. The silence was painful, Minho could feel his friend's sadness rolling off of him in waves, his sadness was suffocating and it felt as though they were at a funeral. Thomas only wished he knew why Brenda didn't love him even though he already knew it was because she had fallen out of love with him, it was too hard for him to accept. Minho had tried to start a conversation a few times but before words came out he decided against it. Minho knew that Thomas would eventually be back to his former self but he didn't know how long that would take, little did he know it wouldn't be long before that happened.

When they got back Thomas went to his room to be alone and Minho went to make Thomas dinner.  A little while later Minho knocked on Thomas's door and left his dinner on the floor. It was spaghetti and meatballs. It looked pretty gross compared to Frypan's spaghetti. Then again everything looked disgusting in comparison to Frypan's food. Thomas walked out of his room, grabbed the dinner and ate it in silence on his bed. His room looked very cheery compared to how Thomas felt, the walls a bright shade of green and his bed had light blue covers with white fluffy pillows on it. Thomas looked around his homey room and thought about the day I should've  stopped thinking about her and actually replied to Minho  when he spoke to me. He looked up at the ceiling above him and felt awful Minho was trying to make him feel better, he hasn't been back to his own house in 2 weeks for shucks sake. Thomas thought, drifting off to sleep.

Minho was cleaning up the messy kitchen after he struggled for an hour to make at least decent spaghetti that he himself decided tasted disgusting. Minho looked around on his way to the guest bedroom and suddenly realized Thomas's house was a huge mess that Thomas would clean up the next day. It was his house after all and it would keep him from thinking too much about her. As Minho was going to sleep he thought about what had all happened that day and decided, I shouldn't have forced him to go, he didn't even want to, they had probably done that all the time.


I did it another chapter done I've noticed that all my books except the one seem to move at an ungodly slow rate but hey as long as everything gets written the way it needs to right. Also I recently discovered the amazingness of google docs. Have a good day/night, drink water and stay healthy.

737 Words


Running into my heart (Minho x Thomas) Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now