Im back home!

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I drove past the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign, well there's no turning back now. I'm heading to my 'brothers' house, I can't wait to see them again it's been about a year since I sore them.

Your POV:
I pulled up outside their house, well I guess our house now, I immediately got out the car and ran to the front door. I don't know why but I'm kinda nervous ah well better get in it's freezing out here, I rang the doorbell it took a few seconds before the door opened, and their stood my brothers!!!! "Hey you too!!!" I hugged Stefan "it's good to see you again!" "You too!" I felt a tap on my shoulder "and what about me?" I looked at Damon and jumped in his arms "It's good to see u too, sis!" After that amazing meeting we walked in and to the living room we're I sore two men sitting, Damon stood in front of me in a protective stance, so I went next to him and lent on his shoulder. "Whose your friends?" I looked at a dirty blonde and a brunette, "they aren't are friends." I looked up at Damon in confusion "I'm klaus, klaus Mikaelson." I nodded and turned to the brunette "I'm Elijah, his brother."
I looked at Stephan and laughed "so these are the two...annoying, idiotic...what did you call it? Murders? They look like they couldn't hurt a fly!" I couldn't control my laughter, I sore Damon smirking next to me trying to not laugh but Stefan seemed, nervous.

Your POV:
"I can assure you we are no murders." Elijah said staring at me, "Quick question what are you?... in the supernatural world?" They looked surprised "I'm a hybrid my brother is a original vampire, but uhh are you not a vampire? How old are you?" Damon stepped in "She's not a vampire or any supernatural creature because she's not are biological sister... She's 24." I pat him on the back "can you help me with my stuff?" Stephan was out the door in a second my stuff was on the living room floor "That will never get old... Thanks Stef, anyway imma head to bed. Same room as before?" Damon nodded and I grabbed my clothes bag and ran upstairs.

Damon's POV:
Angel ran upstairs and I could see the Elijah smirking, I looked at Stefan confused but he had the same confused expression as me. "Why are you smirking?" Klaus looked at Elijah then back at me "Imma guess he's got the love bug." And with that he left and Elijah slowly followed behind him. "You tidy the living room imma bring angels bags up to her room." Stefan nodded at me and began cleaning, while I toke angels stuff up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Angel I got your stuff." Silence "I am about to walk in." I opened the door and sore her passed out on her bed it made me smile I haven't seen her all sweet and innocent in what? A year? To long if you ask me, I but her bags down at the end of her bed and closed the door quietly behind me and went to my room to see if I can get any sleep.

Your POV:
I woke up at 8:30 at got straight in the shower, after I got dressed in some leggings and a hoodie then dried and brushed my hair. I ran downstairs with my headphones in and went to the kitchen where I sore Damon cooking breakfast, I pulled one headphone out "Good morning brother!" He turned around and smiled at me "morning" I took my headphones out of my phone and turned up the music "Come on brother it in a good mood!" He laughed and served are food in which we both started dancing around in the kitchen while eating "Their you goo!!!! Who knew you actually could dance bro!" He started doing the robot and I burst out laughing and placed my plate and his in the sink, we headed to the living room I turned the music down so we could talk "where's Stefan?" "Oh he's uh out...out with our friends." "Since when do you have friends!?" "Hey! Since I got here!" "Let's go join them." "No I'm good." I pulled on his arms "come on I'm bored, let's at least go out." "Fine." I grabbed my shoes and headed for the door.

Elijah's POV:
Me, Rebekah and Klaus were walking through the mall doing Rebekah's daily clothes shopping, my arms couldn't handle all of Rebekah's bags so I stopped and put them all on the floor. "Come on brother, I need to get a new dress!" I looked at her in disbelief "You have already got over 100 dresses in this bags!" Klaus was laughing "Okay well I need one for the ball mother is hosting tomorrow!" I sighed I completely forgot about the ball, I picked up half of the bags on the floor and looked at klaus "You can stop laughing and help me carry these bags!" He sighed and picked up the bags and we carried on walking to the dress shop, I sore Rebekah looking through dresses and trying them on while I scanned over a few and noticed klaus doing the same "who are you looking to get a dress for?" We both turned to Rebekah "I-uhh Angel Salvatore." She looked at me in shock "She's back in town!" She seemed exited and grabbed a dress off the hanger "That one would be perfect for her!" He looked back at Rebekah "Caroline." She looked through a few more dresses and then found one and went to check out. "And now we find you both suits to wear!" She seemed too excited but we both listened to her and carried on shopping.

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