Mikaelson ball

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Your POV:
It was the night of the ball me and the girls we're getting ready in my room. I was in my dress slipping on my hills "Let me curl your hair?" I turned to Caroline "fine" she smiled trying to cheer me up but it didn't work. We all finished and left I walked in with Damon by my side and Caroline on the other, I sore klaus walking over he went to say something to Caroline but she cut him off "I need a drink" with that she walked away "good luck" I said tapping him on the back, me and Damon walked over to a waiter and grabbed a glass of wine and clinked them together then chugged it.I sore Damon's eyes go to the door I looked over and sore Elena "Go get her brother." I said pushing him to get him going, as soon as he want their was a new presents near me I turned and sore the one and only Elijah Mikaelson. "You look gorgeous." He smiled, but I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the people dancing "Would you like to dance?" He said offering his hand in which I placed my empty wine glass and walked away.

Elijah's POV:
She placed her empty wine glass in my hand and walked away, God she was gorgeous. Someone laughed next to me I turned and of course it was klaus "She isn't interested brother." I looked at him then around the room "seems like Caroline isn't interested either."
I could tell that pissed him off but it soon faded when Caroline walked next to him but carried on walking not paying any attention to him "I'm not giving up on her." I looked at him and nodded "me either" I said looking at Angel. We were both determined to get our girl, it might take a while but nothing will stop me! I grabbed wine off of the tray going past and looked back at angel, I sore another man his hand out and she took it, I clenched my jaw and fists until I felt a hand on my arm a looked down and sore Rebekah "What's wrong brother?" I pointed to angel "Oh hell no! That's her dumb ex!" She went to storm over to angel but I grabbed her arm "Leave it, She's happy." She looked at me annoyed and pulled her arm back "He's names Jake...he was her abusive, controlling ex who cheated on her! So if you think you is happy you are delusional!" She went to Damon and Stefan I decided to follow them to Angel.

Your POV:
I was dancing with my ex not that I wanted to but I don't want to make a scene so I agreed hoping it would end rather quickly. I turned and sore Damon, Stefan, Rebekah and Elijah walking over thank god! Damon pulled him away from me but Jake stood his ground and grabbed my arm which I knew would leave a bruise, he healed me close to his chest I knew what he was about to do and I hated it, he looked at everyone and put his lips to my neck and gave me a hickey "Now everyone knows your mine." He said with a smirk but I was immediately pulled from him and into someone else's chest. I looked up and sore Elijah he looked furious he grabbed Jake by his neck and pulled him out the front door the group followed him outside, I stepped out the front door and sore Elijah punching Jake in the face over and over "HEY! Let him go!" Elijah looked at me in guilt but kept going I went to run over but Damon grabbed me by my waist.

Elijah's POV:
Jakes body fell limb in my grip, it immediately came to mind that I killed him, all because of jealousy. I looked up at the group watching my I sore angels eyes filled with tears and being held back my Damon, he gave up and let her go she ran at me and punched me in my face "Your a dick!" I took all of the hits she threw my way but it only made her angrier "Fight back!" She kept yelling it over and over until she was pulled off of me I looked up and sore Stefan holding her in his arms letting her cry in his chest, klaus came over and helped me up looking at my busted up face "Why aren't you healing?" I was confused, I'm not healing "I-I don't know." He passed me a hanker-chef, I proceeded to wipe my face from the blood, this whole night was ruined because of me. "Your still not healing." Klaus grew a worried look "He won't, he feels guilt and I'm guessing he isn't letting himself heal." I looked at Damon and back at Angel " I'm sorry-" she cut me off "Shut up, you killed him! I can't believe you!...My brothers were right you are a killer!" I felt tears brim my eyes and walked back into the house going to the stairs to do the speech, with klaus by my side."

Your POV:
Damon escorted me inside and watched the Mikaelson do their speech. "Come on let's dance." I looked at him and sighed "no I don't wanna ruin your night, go dance with Elena."
He went to say something else but I stopped him "please go dance with Elena." He nodded and walked away. I sat down on the floor re thinking everything that happened tonight, I was sad Jake died because after our break up we became friends and I guess he caught feelings again, I can't believe he's actually gone I just- I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard someone walking over to me "Please can I have this dance." I knew that voice Elijah, he had the nerve to ask me to dance with him after he killed my friend, I ignored his request and stayed seated. He sat down next to me not saying anything we sat in silence for ten minutes "wanna join me for a dance?" He offered one more time, I stood up followed by him "Do you not get it! I don't like you, and I won't ever like you so back off, and here's a tip next time you like someone don't kill their friend!" He looked shocked, he got on his knees "I'm sorry, I really am. Please one dance and I promise I will leave you alone." He began begging "Fine! One dance that's it." He had a smile on his face and offered me his hand which I hesitantly gave him.

Elijah's POV:
Finally she is in my arms dancing. My hands rested on her hips hers are wrapped around my neck, I could tell she was tired because her head was slowly getting closer to my shoulder. I felt her head hit my shoulder, I pulled her closer so she could be more comfortable and kept swaying to the music. I sore Damon, Stefan, Klaus and Rebekah staring at us all smiling I smirked and rested my head against hers and held one of her hands. "Do you want me to drop you off?" She pulled her head off my shoulder looking as if she was about to fall asleep and nodded, I picked her up bridal style and headed to my car and placed her in the front seat then put her seat belt on and closed the door walking the other side to get into the drivers seat. I got in and drove to the Salvatore house, when I got their Angel was asleep so I picked her up bridal style and found her keys and carried her up stairs to her room and laid her down on her bed and got her blanket covering her up to keep her warm. I write a note "Morning luv, Hope you had a lovely time last night. Can't wait to see you again here's my number ********* call or text me if needed Xxxx E.M" then I left her room and locked the front door putting the keys through the letter box then getting back into my car driving off.

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