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"This is party what now? One hundred?" Fred jokes as the four of them walk into the booming house party.

"It's summer," Alice points out. "What do you expect?"

"Point taken."

"Oh Fred! There's Layla and her boyfriend, let's go say hi!" Hermione urges, tugging Fred with her before he has a chance to respond.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." He calls before he's out of sight.

"It's packed in here." Alice comments, she's barely able to move with how many people are around.

"No kidding," FP takes her hand and leads her through the crowd so they're not so suffocated by people. Granted, it's still a crammed house party, but at least they're not elbow to elbow with people now. "Punch?"

Alice eyes the conveniently placed punch bowl near FP and grins. "Yes please!" He pours them each a glass, of what is surely a mix of more alcohol than actual punch, and hands one to her. "You're a pretty good date so far," She teases, nudging him with her elbow as she takes a sip, cringing at the bitter taste. "We'll have to do this more often."

He chuckles, tapping his cup against hers. "Any time."

The pair people watch and talk amongst themselves for a moment before Alice's eyes widen, spying a new guest waltzing into the party; Gladys.

"You okay?" FP wonders, noticing the way her demeanour has changed. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Not a ghost," she insists. "Gladys."

He cocks his head to see for himself and sure enough there's the brunette slinking through the crowd of people, her friends in tow.

"You okay?" Alice asks, noticing the way he stares. "You're staring."

He snaps his eyes away at the mention, looking over at Alice. "Yeah, I'm fine." He insists. "Just wondering who she knows here."

"I think with these kind of things it's more of a come one, come all, type situation." Alice reasons, though it doesn't seem to satisfy him.

"I know but she told me she wasn't really into parties, I can't see her going to one if she doesn't know the person throwing it."

"Well you could go ask her," She tells him. "But that's a whole can of worms I don't think you want to open."

He nods, shaking off the thought. "Yeah, you're right."

"I'm always right." And with that she links her arm in his. "Now come on, you're my date for the night, let's have a good time."


"Never have I ever, gotten so high I puked." One of the partygoer's calls out. Both Alice and FP proudly keep their cup in their lap, not taking a sip.

Marty Mantle goes next, slurring his words as he does. "Never have I ever, done the walk of shame." All eyes stare at him in disbelief, it's a complete lie. "I said shame. I've never felt shameful." He explains smugly, earning an eye roll from multiple people.

"Ok enough of this child's play," Holden Lowry, the host of the party, interrupts. "Let's play a real game." He dangles an empty beer bottle from his fingers and everyone in the room oh's and ah's.

He sets the bottle on the floor, allowing everyone who wants to play to sit in a large circle while others stand and watch, ready to be thoroughly entertained by the game.

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