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"The trick is balancing it just right." FP states as he tries to build a house out of sugar packets. He places the last one on top and it stands for the briefest moment before crashing back down.

Fred smirks cockily. "And how did that work out for you?"

"I don't know why you two think this will work anyway." Alice tells them, thoroughly amused by their struggles.

"Did you not just see that? It was standing!"

"For like two seconds!"

"Well how about card houses, this is kind of the same thing." FP tries to argue.

"Cards are all the same weight, sugar packets are going to be heavier in some places." She explains.

"But-" FP's rebuttals is cut short by Hermione bursting into the diner, squealing with excitement.

"I have the best news!" She exclaims, sliding into the booth beside Fred, practically bouncing off the walls with giddiness.

Alice raises an eyebrow at her, confused as to what could possibly be so exciting to her. "What's up?"

"So you know how my parents are planning to renew their vows right? Well turns out my cousin's can't make it so there's room on the guest list!"

Alice and FP share a look of confusion. "And this is great news because?"

"That means you guys can come!" She announces with a squeak in her voice. 

"Oh great we get the sloppy second invite." FP teases.

Hermione frowns at that though. "Come on, you guys know I've wanted you there since they announced the damn thing but weddings are expensive and they-"

"Don't like us?" Alice finishes for her.

Hermione shakes her head unconvincingly. "They like you, they just-"

"Think we're juvenile delinquents." FP adds.

"No. Ugh." Hermione huffs making the two smile. "Whatever, the point is, there's two spots available if you want them, and I would really like you to come."

Alice and FP share a look of contemplation just to mess with the girl, before FP answers on their behalf. "We'll be there, Mione."

"Really?" Her eyes gleam hopefully.

"Wouldn't miss it." Alice promises. 

"Oh great! Okay! The dress code is formal, black-tie optional." She starts to list. "And it's in Greendale so unless you plan on driving back here afterwards I'd recommend getting a hotel. We're staying at the Holton-" 

"Isn't that place like the 5 Seasons on steroids," FP interrupts. "There's no way we can afford that."

"Yeah Pop's is a great gig and all, but there's no way I can afford a room there with these paycheques, not even if we split it." Alice frowns. 

"It's on me!" Hermione insists.

"We can't ask you to do that."

"It's a last minute invitation, I feel guilty as is, please let me." She pushes, hoping they'll take the bait. It would be a much more enjoyable event with them there.

Alice and FP share a knowing smile before she answers on their behalf. "Well I have always wanted to stay in a fancy hotel room."

Hermione let's out another squeal and claps her hands together. "Yay! Okay, so we're going to have to do some major shopping."

"Shopping?" Alice scrunches her nose up. "I don't like the twinkle in your eyes when you say that."

"You act like I'm sending you into a death trap or something." Hermione snits.

"Not a death trap, but a very expensive store with very uncomfortable clothes, which may as well be the same thing."

"Well as they say, beauty is pain." She smiles mischievously. "We also need to get you some shoes and plan a hair and makeup look for the day." She thinks for a moment, studying Alice. "Actually, we should probably get a head start on that, let's go to my place!"

Alice immediately tries to get out of the impromptu makeover. "Oh, uh, actually, FP and I were sort of planning something."

"Oh." Hermione frowns. "Is there anyway I could take her off your hands for a few hours?" She directs the question to the smirking boy next to the blonde.

Alice quickly interjects. "We've had these plans for-"

"It's fine." FP tells Hermione, shooting an amused grin at Alice. "She's all yours."

"You are an angel FP Jones!" She hops up from her seat and grabs Alice by the wrist, practically yanking the blonde out of the booth. "Come come, Alice."

As she's dragged away, Alice shoots a death glare at FP. "I hate you." She mouths, flipping him off when he does nothing but smirk cheekily.

"Didn't think you'd be so keen on letting her leave." Fred speaks after the girls leave.

"Well we don't actually have plans." FP explains, not catching onto the tone in Fred's voice.

"I know that, I'm talking about how you'd much rather be having a repeat performance of the party." He points out, knowing his friend all too well.

FP rolls his eyes. "Come on, man."

"What? You two kissed and I have not heard a single thing about the aftermath, a guy has to wonder."

"There's nothing to tell." FP shrugs, his attention trained on a rogue water droplet on his glass.

Fred's eyebrows furrow. "You two haven't talked about it?"

"No, we did, but... I don't know it was just a stupid kiss in a stupid game, there's nothing to talk about."

Fred leans closer, trying to better get inside FP's head. "FP, I know you. I know how you've been the last couple months, that wasn't just any kiss to you."

FP clenches his jaw as he averts his gaze away from Fred. "It doesn't matter."

"It matters to you." Fred points out. "What did she say when you two talked?"

FP exhales dramatically as he tries to remember. "That it was a little weird, that her and I have never done anything like that before, that she thought she'd feel more awkward around me after. And then she was about to say something else but you and Hermione woke up, so she never got a chance."

Fred beams. "Maybe she was going to say she felt something too!"

FP scoffs. "Come on Fred, you and I both know what she was going to say."

"No we don't, she could've said-"

"Fred!" FP interrupts frustratedly. "Would you just drop it man?"

Fred's face drops. "Sorry."

FP runs his face over his hands, sighing loudly. "No, I'm sorry. I just... I don't want things to be weird between me and Alice. I'd rather forget it ever happened than scare her off."

"I get it." Fred assures him. "But you never know."

FP smiles at him, somehow Fred always manages to see the bright side of things. And yeah, maybe he doesn't know if Alice would run scared or give it a shot, but what he does know is that Alice is way too important to risk losing.

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