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Turns out being taken under the wing of Hermione before an event, means countless hours of plucking, a hundred swatches of lipstick, and so much hairspray her hair was stiff as a board.

Of course it was more a formality, letting Hermione make her over like a life size Barbie doll. There was no way she was actually going to follow Hermione's exact tutorials, and she's pretty sure the brunette knew that, but she went along with it anyway.

But even with the beauty portion out of the way, there was still the task of finding a dress, something Hermione assured her was a "very serious matter". And so she let Hermione drag her around the local mall, flitting about through store after store.

"So what exactly fits under this dress code?" Alice asks as she sifts through countless racks of dresses. There's everything from silk to velvet, blacks to bright pinks, and Alice knows for a fact Hermione will not let her leave until she's chosen one.

"Well it's a step up from Cocktail, but not as formal as Black or White tie." Hermione begins to explain. "Floor length dresses are acceptable but maybe a tad exaggerated, and mini dresses would most likely be frowned upon so it's best to aim for a happy medium between the two."

"What about colours?" Alice absent-mindlessly asks, finding a rack more in tune with what she needs.

"Anything goes. Just no white or anything remotely similar obviously."

"Got it."

The two search through racks together, until Alice finds one she likes, holding it up for Hermione's approval. "What about this one?" It's a relatively plain number but it catches her eye nonetheless.

Hermione stares at it for a moment, pursing her lips to hide her disdain. "It's an option." She responds in a fake cheery tone.

Alice chuckles, putting the dress away. "Back to the rack it goes."

"I didn't say that." Hermione insists with a flare.

"You didn't have to. Your face said it all."

"It's not bad," Hermione promises her. "It's just more high school semi-formal appropriate than wedding."

"Technically, it's a vow renewal." Alice points out, much to the disdain of Hermione.

"It's still a no."

Hermione watches silently as Alice searches through the racks with razor focus. "So... that kiss you and FP had. That was something."

Alice visibly blushes at the mention but quickly plays it off. "It was a stupid game."

"Didn't look like a stupid game kiss, it was way too steamy." Hermione points out with a smirk, leaning on her elbows over the rack.

"You and I also kissed that night," Alice reminds. "Do you want to analyze that as well?"

"That was different."

Alice raises an eyebrow at her. "Why because we're friends? Spoiler alert, so are me and FP." She turns her attention back to dress shopping but Hermione remains relentless.

"You're telling me you didn't feel a thing when you kissed him? Not even the slightest butterfly." Alice is quiet for a moment, and her silence is music to Hermione's ears. "I knew it!" She squeals, earning a glare from one of the cashiers.

"So what if I did?" Alice grumbles. "Isn't it normal to feel that when you kiss someone?"

"Sure. But not when that person is your supposed best friend nothing more." She looks at Alice with a sparkle in her eyes, like this revelation has single-handedly changed her life.

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