♥~♥ WELCOME♥~♥

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Hello everyone,

I have decided to revamp my book. I know I am probably not going to stick to writing for long but I figured till that time came, I would pick this back up. 

I decided to keep the subject on Why Don't We, even though some people have probably moved past the fandom, I haven't completely. They will always have a special place in my heart, as all my favourite musicians and bands do. I will also doing a mixture of explicit and non-explicit content to keep a mixture of audiences happy. 

I am not only writing for people on this app, but primarily for myself. I think I have always felt myself at my happiest writing short stories, no matter how good or bad, It just gave me this creative flow. These last few years I have not had that flow and it has screwed me over a bit. I wasn't expecting that to be the truth but it is, It was a realization I had just come to recently and I always thought writing wasn't going to be my thing since I never felt I had the talent. That was just an excuse though. 

That is why from now on I will be picking my on and off hobby back up again, hoping it will be a permanent fix both on and off this app. We will have to see.

Thank you for your patience, I appreciate your understanding.



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